# To run this in Google Colab, uncomment the following line
# !pip install geometric_kernels

# If you want to use a version of the library from a specific branch on GitHub,
# say, from the "devel" branch, uncomment the line below instead
# !pip install "git+https://github.com/geometric-kernels/GeometricKernels@devel"

Bayesian Optimization on the Sphere Manifold \(\mathbb{S}_2\)

This notebooks illustrates the application of Bayesian optimization (BO) on a sphere manifold. To run it, you need to have BoTorch installed.

# Import a backend, we use torch in this example.
import gpytorch
import torch

# Import the geometric_kernels backend.
import geometric_kernels
import geometric_kernels.torch

# Import the Hypersphere space and the general-purpose MaternGeometricKernel
from geometric_kernels.spaces import Hypersphere
from geometric_kernels.kernels import MaternGeometricKernel

# The GPyTorch frontend of GeometricKernels
from geometric_kernels.frontends.gpytorch import GPyTorchGeometricKernel

# Stuff
import numpy as np
import botorch
import warnings
INFO (geometric_kernels): Numpy backend is enabled. To enable other backends, don't forget to `import geometric_kernels.*backend name*`.
INFO (geometric_kernels): We may be suppressing some logging of external libraries. To override the logging policy, call `logging.basicConfig`.
INFO (geometric_kernels): Torch backend enabled.

We initialize a sphere manifold \(\mathbb{S}_2\).

sphere = Hypersphere(dim=2)

Define the function to optimize.

Here we use the Ackley function (see, e.g., https://www.sfu.ca/~ssurjano/ackley.html). The function is defined on the tangent space of the base point \((1, 0, 0, ...)\) and projected to the manifold via the exponential map. The value of the function is therefore computed by projecting the point on the manifold to the tangent space of the base point and by computing the value of the Ackley function in this Euclidean space. This requires the logarithmic map on the sphere, also defined below.

def logmap(x, x0):
    This function maps a point lying on the sphere manifold into the tangent space of a second point on the manifold.

    :param x: point on the sphere manifold
    :param x0: basis point of the tangent space where x will be mapped

    :return: u: vector in the tangent space of x0
    if x0.ndim < 2:
        x0 = x0[None]

    if x.ndim < 2:
        x = x[None]

    theta = torch.arccos(torch.maximum(torch.minimum(torch.inner(x0, x), torch.ones(1)), -torch.ones(1)))
    u = (x - x0 * torch.cos(theta)) * theta / torch.sin(theta)

    u[:, torch.where(theta[0] < 1e-16)[0]] = 0.

    return u

def ackley_function_sphere(x):
    # Data to numpy
    if x.ndim < 2:
        x = x[None]

    # Dimension of the manifold
    dimension = x.shape[-1]

    # Projection in tangent space of the mean.
    # The base is fixed at (1, 0, 0, ...) for simplicity. Therefore, the tangent plane is aligned with the axis x.
    # The first coordinate of x_proj is always 0, so that vectors in the tangent space can be expressed in a dimension-1
    # dimensional space by simply ignoring the first coordinate.
    base = torch.zeros((1, dimension), dtype=x.dtype)
    base[0, 0] = 1.
    x_proj = logmap(x, base)[0]

    # Remove first dim
    x_proj_red = x_proj[1:]
    reduced_dimension = dimension - 1

    # Ackley function parameters
    a = 20
    b = 0.2
    c = 2 * np.pi

    # Ackley function
    aexp_term = -a * torch.exp(-b * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(x_proj_red ** 2) / reduced_dimension))
    expcos_term = - torch.exp(torch.sum(torch.cos(c * x_proj_red) / reduced_dimension))
    y = aexp_term + expcos_term + a + np.exp(1.)

    return y[None, None]


Generate 5 random data locations on the sphere to be used as initial design for BO.

nb_data_init = 5

key = torch.Generator()

key, x_data = sphere.random(key, nb_data_init)
y_data = torch.zeros(nb_data_init, dtype=torch.float64)
for n in range(nb_data_init):
    y_data[n] = ackley_function_sphere(x_data[n])

print('Inputs:', x_data)
print('Outputs: ', y_data)
Inputs: tensor([[ 0.0423,  0.3693, -0.9283],
        [ 0.2637, -0.7450,  0.6128],
        [ 0.2970,  0.8911, -0.3431],
        [ 0.9919,  0.0465, -0.1179],
        [-0.1118, -0.9892, -0.0952]], dtype=torch.float64)
Outputs:  tensor([6.1984, 3.9993, 5.2496, 0.7422, 5.9154], dtype=torch.float64)

Definition of the BO Surrogate Model

Here we use a Gaussian process with a Matérn kernel on \(\mathbb{S}_2\).

The kernel has three positive real hyperparameters: variance \(\sigma^2\), length scale \(\kappa\) and smoothness \(\nu\). Defining a Gaussian process model also requires a likelihood noise hyperparameter \(\sigma_n^2\).

We use the \(\operatorname{Gamma}(2.0, 0.15)\) prior for \(\sigma\), the square root of \(\sigma^2\), and \(\operatorname{Gamma}(1.1, 0.05)\) prior for \(\sigma_n^2\).

We first define the kernel.

base_kernel = GPyTorchGeometricKernel(MaternGeometricKernel(sphere))
kernel = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(base_kernel,
                                      outputscale_prior=gpytorch.priors.torch_priors.GammaPrior(2.0, 0.15))

We then define the likelihood of the Gaussian process.

noise_prior = gpytorch.priors.torch_priors.GammaPrior(1.1, 0.05)
noise_prior_mode = (noise_prior.concentration - 1) / noise_prior.rate
lik_fct = gpytorch.likelihoods.gaussian_likelihood.GaussianLikelihood(noise_prior=noise_prior,

We finally initialize the GP model, as well as the marginal likelihood function that will be used to optimize its parameters.

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    model = botorch.models.SingleTaskGP(x_data, y_data[:, None], covar_module=kernel, likelihood=lik_fct)
    mll_fct = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model)

Bayesian optimization loop

new_best_f, index = y_data.min(0)
best_x = [x_data[index]]
best_f = [new_best_f]

We define the bounds for the optimization of the acquisition function, as well as the constraints that must be satisfied by candidate points on the sphere.

bounds = torch.stack([-torch.ones(3, dtype=torch.float64), torch.ones(3, dtype=torch.float64)])

def upper_constraint(x):
    return 1.0 - torch.linalg.norm(x, dim=-1)

def lower_constraint(x):
    return torch.linalg.norm(x, dim=-1) - 1.0

We can now run our BO loop. At each iteration, we first optimize our GP model, then we define the acquisition function, and select the new candidate point as the point maximizing the acquisition function.

Notice that, for the sake of simplicity, we here use a constrained optimization on the sphere to guarantee that our new candidate point belongs to the sphere manifold. However, for a fully geometry-aware BO loop, Riemannian optimization should be used to optimize the acquisition function on the manifold, see Citation for details, and https://github.com/NoemieJaquier/MaternGaBO for an implementation.

n_iters = 15
for iteration in range(n_iters):
    # Fit GP model

    # Define the acquisition function
    acq_fct = botorch.acquisition.ExpectedImprovement(model=model, best_f=best_f[-1], maximize=False)

    # Initial conditions to optimize the acquisition function
    key, batch_initial_conditions = sphere.random(key, 100)
    batch_initial_conditions /= torch.linalg.norm(batch_initial_conditions, dim=-1)[:, None]

    # Get new candidate
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        new_x, acq_new_x = botorch.optim.optimize_acqf(acq_fct, bounds=bounds, q=1,
                                                       num_restarts=5, raw_samples=100,
                                                       batch_initial_conditions=batch_initial_conditions[:, None])
    # Get new observation
    new_y = ackley_function_sphere(new_x)[0]

    # Update training points
    x_data = torch.cat((x_data, new_x))
    y_data = torch.cat((y_data, new_y))

    # Update best observation
    new_best_f, index = y_data.min(0)

    # Update the model
    model.set_train_data(x_data, y_data, strict=False)  # strict False necessary to add datapoints

    print("Iteration " + str(iteration+1) + "\t Best f " + str(new_best_f.item()))
Iteration 1      Best f 0.7421870944514706
Iteration 2      Best f 0.7421870944514706
Iteration 3      Best f 0.7421870944514706
Iteration 4      Best f 0.2960321205195702
Iteration 5      Best f 0.12191263129655683
Iteration 6      Best f 0.12191263129655683
Iteration 7      Best f 0.12191263129655683
Iteration 8      Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 9      Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 10     Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 11     Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 12     Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 13     Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 14     Best f 0.06540739357986114
Iteration 15     Best f 0.06540739357986114
x_eval = x_data.cpu().numpy()
y_eval = y_data.cpu().numpy()[:, None]
best_x_np = np.array([x.cpu().detach().numpy() for x in best_x])
best_f_np = np.array([f.cpu().detach().numpy() for f in best_f])[:, None]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

We set the true minimum value of the objective function to evaluate the performance of the BO.

true_min_x = np.zeros((1, 3))
true_min_x[0, 0] = 1.
true_min_value = 0.0

We display the candidate points on the sphere evaluated in the BO loop. Their color indicate the value of the function (yellow is low, purple is high). The best candidate is displayed as a red diamond, and the true minimum as a blue cross.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")

# Make the panes transparent
ax.xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

# Make the grid lines transparent
ax.xaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)
ax.yaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)
ax.zaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)

# Remove axis
ax._axis3don = False

# Initial view
ax.view_init(elev=10, azim=30.)

# Plot sphere
n_elems = 100
r = 0.99
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_elems)
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_elems)

x = r * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
y = r * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
z = r * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))

ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=4, cstride=4, color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], linewidth=0, alpha=0.4)

lim = 1.1
ax.set_xlim3d([-lim, lim])
ax.set_ylim3d([-lim, lim])
ax.set_zlim3d([-0.75*lim, 0.75*lim])

# Plot evaluated points
max_colors = np.max(y_eval - true_min_value)
for n in range(x_eval.shape[0]):
    ax.scatter(x_eval[n, 0], x_eval[n, 1], x_eval[n, 2], s=50,
               c=pl.cm.inferno(1. - (y_eval[n] - true_min_value) / max_colors))

# Plot true minimum
ax.scatter(true_min_x[0, 0], true_min_x[0, 1], true_min_x[0, 2], s=200, c='b', marker='P')

# Plot BO minimum
ax.scatter(best_x_np[-1][0], best_x_np[-1][1], best_x_np[-1][2], s=100, c='r', marker='D')


We finally display the distance between consecutive candidate points on the sphere, and the convergence plot of our BO algorithm.

def sphere_distance(x, y):
    if np.ndim(x) < 2:
        x = x[:, None]
    if np.ndim(y) < 2:
        y = y[:, None]

    # Compute the inner product (should be [-1,1])
    inner_product = np.dot(x.T, y)
    inner_product = np.max(np.min(inner_product, 1), -1)
    return np.arccos(inner_product)

# Compute distances between consecutive x's and best evaluation for each iteration
neval = x_eval.shape[0]
distances = np.zeros(neval-1)
for n in range(neval-1):
    distances[n] = sphere_distance(x_eval[n + 1, :], x_eval[n, :])

Y_best = np.ones(neval)
for i in range(neval):
    Y_best[i] = y_eval[:(i + 1)].min()

# Plot distances between consecutive x's
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(np.array(range(neval - 1)), distances, '-ro')
plt.ylabel('d(x[n], x[n-1])')
plt.title('Distance between consecutive x\'s')

# Plot value of the best candidate
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(np.array(range(neval)), Y_best, '-o')
plt.hlines(true_min_value, 0, neval, 'k', '--')
plt.title('Value of the best candidate')
plt.ylabel('Best y')



If you are using Bayesian optimization and GeometricKernels, please consider citing

    title={Geometry-aware Bayesian optimization in robotics using Riemannian Matérn kernels},
    author={Jaquier, Noémie and Borovitskiy, Viacheslav and Smolensky, Andrei and Terenin, Alexander and Asfour, Tamim and Rozo, Leonel},
    booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning},
[ ]: