This module provides the MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel
kernel, for discrete spectrum spaces with Hodge decomposition, subclasses
of HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace
Module Contents¶
- class geometric_kernels.kernels.hodge_compositional.MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel(space, num_levels, normalize=True)[source]¶
This class is similar to
, but provides a more expressive family of kernels on the spaces where Hodge decomposition is available.The resulting kernel is a sum of three kernels,
\[k(x, x') = a k_{\text{harmonic}}(x, x') + b k_{\text{gradient}}(x, x') + c k_{\text{curl}}(x, x'),\]where \(a, b, c\) are weights \(a, b, c \geq 0\) and \(a + b + c = 1\), and \(k_{\text{harmonic}}\), \(k_{\text{gradient}}\), \(k_{\text{curl}}\) are the instances of
that only use the eigenpairs of the Laplacian corresponding to a single part of the Hodge decomposition.The parameters of this kernel are represented by a dict with three keys: “harmonic”, “gradient”, “curl”, each corresponding to a dict with keys “logit”, “nu”, “lengthscale”, where “nu” and “lengthscale” are the parameters of the respective
, while the “logit” parameters determine the weights \(a, b, c\) in the formula above: \(a, b, c\) are the “logit” parameters normalized to satisfy \(a + b + c = 1\).Same as for
, these kernels can sometimes be computed more efficiently using addition theorems.Note
A brief introduction into the theory behind
can be found in this documentation page.- Parameters:
space (geometric_kernels.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace) – The space to define the kernel upon, a subclass of
.num_levels (int) – Number of levels to include in the summation.
normalize (bool) – Whether to normalize kernel to have unit average variance.
- K(params, X, X2=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compute the cross-covariance matrix between two batches of vectors of inputs, or batches of matrices of inputs, depending on the space.
- Parameters:
params (beartype.typing.Dict[str, beartype.typing.Dict[str, lab.NPNumeric]])
X (lab.Numeric)
X2 (beartype.typing.Optional[lab.Numeric])
- Return type:
- K_diag(params, X, **kwargs)[source]¶
Returns the diagonal of the covariance matrix self.K(params, X, X), typically in a more efficient way than actually computing the full covariance matrix with self.K(params, X, X) and then extracting its diagonal.
- Parameters:
params (beartype.typing.Dict[str, beartype.typing.Dict[str, lab.NPNumeric]])
X (lab.Numeric)
- Return type:
- init_params()[source]¶
Initialize the three sets of parameters for the three kernels.
- Return type:
beartype.typing.Dict[str, beartype.typing.Dict[str, lab.NPNumeric]]
- property space: geometric_kernels.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace¶
The space on which the kernel is defined.
- Return type: