Source code for geometric_kernels.kernels.hodge_compositional

This module provides the :class:`~.kernels.MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel`
kernel, for discrete spectrum spaces with Hodge decomposition, subclasses
of :class:`~.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace`.

import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import Dict, Optional

from geometric_kernels.kernels.base import BaseGeometricKernel
from geometric_kernels.kernels.karhunen_loeve import MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel
from geometric_kernels.spaces import HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace

[docs] class MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel(BaseGeometricKernel): r""" This class is similar to :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel`, but provides a more expressive family of kernels on the spaces where Hodge decomposition is available. The resulting kernel is a sum of three kernels, .. math:: k(x, x') = a k_{\text{harmonic}}(x, x') + b k_{\text{gradient}}(x, x') + c k_{\text{curl}}(x, x'), where $a, b, c$ are weights $a, b, c \geq 0$ and $a + b + c = 1$, and $k_{\text{harmonic}}$, $k_{\text{gradient}}$, $k_{\text{curl}}$ are the instances of :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel` that only use the eigenpairs of the Laplacian corresponding to a single part of the Hodge decomposition. The parameters of this kernel are represented by a dict with three keys: `"harmonic"`, `"gradient"`, `"curl"`, each corresponding to a dict with keys `"logit"`, `"nu"`, `"lengthscale"`, where `"nu"` and `"lengthscale"` are the parameters of the respective :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel`, while the `"logit"` parameters determine the weights $a, b, c$ in the formula above: $a, b, c$ are the `"logit"` parameters normalized to satisfy $a + b + c = 1$. Same as for :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel`, these kernels can sometimes be computed more efficiently using addition theorems. .. note:: A brief introduction into the theory behind :class:`~.kernels.MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel` can be found in :doc:`this </theory/graphs>` documentation page. :param space: The space to define the kernel upon, a subclass of :class:`~.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace`. :param num_levels: Number of levels to include in the summation. :param normalize: Whether to normalize kernel to have unit average variance. """ def __init__( self, space: HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace, num_levels: int, normalize: bool = True, ): super().__init__(space) self.num_levels = num_levels # in code referred to as `L`. for hodge_type in ["harmonic", "curl", "gradient"]: eigenvalues =, hodge_type) eigenfunctions =, hodge_type) num_levels_per_type = len(eigenvalues) setattr( self, f"kernel_{hodge_type}", MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel( space, num_levels_per_type, normalize, eigenvalues_laplacian=eigenvalues, eigenfunctions=eigenfunctions, ), ) self.kernel_harmonic: MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel # for mypy to know the type self.kernel_gradient: MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel # for mypy to know the type self.kernel_curl: MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel # for mypy to know the type self.normalize = normalize @property def space(self) -> HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace: """ The space on which the kernel is defined. """ self._space: HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace return self._space
[docs] def init_params(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, B.NPNumeric]]: """ Initialize the three sets of parameters for the three kernels. """ params = dict( harmonic=dict( logit=np.array([1.0]), nu=np.array([np.inf]), lengthscale=np.array([1.0]), ), gradient=dict( logit=np.array([1.0]), nu=np.array([np.inf]), lengthscale=np.array([1.0]), ), curl=dict( logit=np.array([1.0]), nu=np.array([np.inf]), lengthscale=np.array([1.0]), ), ) return params
[docs] def K( self, params: Dict[str, Dict[str, B.NPNumeric]], X: B.Numeric, X2: Optional[B.Numeric] = None, **kwargs, ) -> B.Numeric: """ Compute the cross-covariance matrix between two batches of vectors of inputs, or batches of matrices of inputs, depending on the space. """ assert all( key in params for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"] ), "MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel's parameters must contain keys 'harmonic', 'gradient', 'curl'." assert all( B.shape(params[key]["logit"]) == (1,) for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"] ), "The 'logit' parameters of MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel must have shape (1,)." # Copy the parameters to avoid modifying the original dict. params = {key: params[key].copy() for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"]} coeffs = B.stack( *[params[key].pop("logit") for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"]], axis=0, ) coeffs = coeffs / B.sum(coeffs) return ( coeffs[0] * self.kernel_harmonic.K(params["harmonic"], X, X2, **kwargs) + coeffs[1] * self.kernel_gradient.K(params["gradient"], X, X2, **kwargs) + coeffs[2] * self.kernel_curl.K(params["curl"], X, X2, **kwargs) )
[docs] def K_diag( self, params: Dict[str, Dict[str, B.NPNumeric]], X: B.Numeric, **kwargs ) -> B.Numeric: """ Returns the diagonal of the covariance matrix `self.K(params, X, X)`, typically in a more efficient way than actually computing the full covariance matrix with `self.K(params, X, X)` and then extracting its diagonal. """ assert all( key in params for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"] ), "MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel's parameters must contain keys 'harmonic', 'gradient', 'curl'." assert all( B.shape(params[key]["logit"]) == (1,) for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"] ), "The 'logit' parameters of MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel must have shape (1,)." # Copy the parameters to avoid modifying the original dict. params = {key: params[key].copy() for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"]} coeffs = B.stack( *[params[key].pop("logit") for key in ["harmonic", "gradient", "curl"]], axis=0, ) coeffs = coeffs / B.sum(coeffs) return ( coeffs[0] * self.kernel_harmonic.K_diag(params["harmonic"], X, **kwargs) + coeffs[1] * self.kernel_gradient.K_diag(params["gradient"], X, **kwargs) + coeffs[2] * self.kernel_curl.K_diag(params["curl"], X, **kwargs) )