Various spaces supported by the library as input domains for kernels.
- geometric_kernels.spaces.base
- geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions
- geometric_kernels.spaces.graph
- geometric_kernels.spaces.graph_edges
- geometric_kernels.spaces.hyperbolic
- geometric_kernels.spaces.hypercube_graph
- geometric_kernels.spaces.hypersphere
- geometric_kernels.spaces.lie_groups
- geometric_kernels.spaces.mesh
- geometric_kernels.spaces.product
- geometric_kernels.spaces.spd
Package Contents¶
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Circle[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the standard unit circle, denoted by \(\mathbb{S}_1\) (as the one-dimensional hypersphere) or \(\mathbb{T}\) (as the one-dimensional torus).
The elements of this space are represented by angles, scalars from \(0\) to \(2 \pi\).
Levels are the whole eigenspaces. The zeroth eigenspace is one-dimensional, all the other eigenspaces are of dimension 2.
The example notebook on the torus involves this space.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2020].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.CompactMatrixLieGroup[source]¶
A base class for compact Lie groups of matrices, subgroups of the real or complex general linear group GL(n), n being some integer.
The group operation is the standard matrix multiplication, and the group inverse is the standard matrix inverse. Despite this, we make the subclasses implement their own inverse routine, because in special cases it can typically be implemented much more efficiently. For example, for the special orthogonal group
, the inverse is equivalent to a simple transposition.- static inverse(X)[source]¶
- Abstractmethod:
- Parameters:
X (lab.Numeric)
- Return type:
Inverse of a batch X of the elements of the group. A static method.
- Parameters:
X (lab.Numeric) – A batch […, n, n] of elements of the group. Each element is a n x n matrix.
- Returns:
A batch […, n, n] with each n x n matrix inverted.
- Return type:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace[source]¶
A Space with discrete spectrum (of the Laplacian operator).
This includes, for instance, compact Riemannian manifolds, graphs & meshes.
Subclasses implement routines for computing the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator, or certain combinations thereof. Since there is often an infinite or a prohibitively large number of those, they only compute a finite subset, consisting of the ones that are most important for approximating Matérn kernel best.
See a brief introduction into the theory behind the geometric kernels on discrete spectrum spaces on the documentation pages devoted to compact Riemannian manifolds (also this), graphs and meshes.
Typically used with
.- abstract dimension()¶
Geometric dimension of the space.
: 0-dimensional.Circle
: 1-dimensional.Hypersphere
: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
- Return type:
- abstract get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- abstract get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- abstract get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- abstract random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- Return type:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Graph(adjacency_matrix, normalize_laplacian=False)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the node set of any user-provided weighted undirected graph.
The elements of this space are represented by node indices, integer values from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of nodes in the user-provided graph.
Each individual eigenfunction constitutes a level.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the Graph.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
adjacency_matrix (lab.Numeric) –
An n-dimensional square, symmetric matrix, where adjacency_matrix[i, j] is non-zero if there is an edge between nodes i and j. SciPy’s sparse matrices are supported.
Make sure that the type of the adjacency_matrix is of the backend (NumPy (or SciPy) / JAX / TensorFlow, PyTorch) that you wish to use for internal computations.
normalize_laplacian (bool) –
If True, the graph Laplacian will be degree normalized (symmetrically): L_sym = D^-0.5 * L * D^-0.5.
Defaults to False.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2021].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels (i.e., in this case, num eigenpairs).- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigensystem(num)[source]¶
Returns the first num eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian. Caches the solution to prevent re-computing the same values.
If the adjacency_matrix was a sparse SciPy array, requesting all eigenpairs will lead to a conversion of the sparse matrix to a dense one due to scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh limitations.
- Parameters:
num – Number of eigenpairs to return. Performs the computation at the first call. Afterwards, fetches the result from cache.
- Returns:
A tuple of eigenvectors [n, num], eigenvalues [num, 1].
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenvalues to return.
- Returns:
Array of eigenvalues, with shape [num, 1].
- Return type:
- get_eigenvectors(num)[source]¶
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenvectors to return.
- Returns:
Array of eigenvectors, with shape [n, num].
- Return type:
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Same as
.- Parameters:
num (int) – Same as
.- Return type:
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- property num_vertices: int¶
Number of vertices in the graph.
- Return type:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.GraphEdges(num_nodes, oriented_edges, oriented_triangles, *, checks_mode='simple', index=None)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the edge set of a user-provided graph. The graph must be unweighted, undirected, and without loops. However, we assume the graph is oriented: for every edge, either (i, j) or (j, i) is chosen as the positively oriented edge, with the other one being negatively oriented. Any function f on this space must satisfy f(e) = -f(-e) if e is a positively oriented edge and -e is the corresponding negatively oriented edge.
All positively oriented edges are indexed from 1 to the number of edges (inclusive). The reason why we start indexing the edges from 1 is to allow for edge -e to correspond to the opposite orientation of edge e. Importantly, orientation or a particular ordering of edges does not affect the geometry of the space. However, changing those requires the respective change in the way you represent the data.
For this space, each individual eigenfunction constitutes a level. If possible, we recommend using num=num_edges levels. Since the current implementation does not support sparse eigensolvers anyway, this should not create too much time/memory overhead during the precomputations and will also ensure that all types of eigenfunctions are present in the eigensystem.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the GraphEdges.ipynb notebook.
Mathematically, this space is actually a simplicial 2-complex, and the functions satisfying the condition f(e) = -f(-e) are called 1-cochains. These admit a Hodge decomposition into the harmonic, gradient, and curl parts. You can find more about Hodge decomposition on this page.
Easy way: construct the space from the adjacency matrix of the graph.
The easiest way to construct an instance of this space is to use the
method, which constructs the space from the adjacency matrix of the graph. By default, this would use all possible triangles in the graph, but the user can also provide a list of triangles explicitly. These triangles define the curl operator on the graph and are thus instrumental in defining the Hodge decomposition. If you don’t know what triangles to provide, you can leave this parameter empty, and the space will compute the maximal set of triangles for you, which is a good solution in most cases.When constructing an instance this way, the orientation of the edges and triangles is chosen automatically in such a way that (i, j) is always positively oriented if i < j, and the triangles are of form (e1, e2, e3) where e1 = (i, j), e2 = (j, k), e3 = -(i, k), and i < j < k.
Hard way: construct the space from the oriented edges and triangles.
When constructing an instance of this space directly via
, the user provides an oriented_edges array, mapping edge indices to ordered pairs of node indices, with order defining the positive orientation, and an oriented_triangles array, mapping triangle indices to triples of signed edge indices. These arrays must be compatible in the sense that the edges in triangles must be connected. This way, the user has full control over the orientation and ordering of the edges.Complexity
The current implementation of the GraphEdges space is supposed to occupy O(num_edges^2) memory and take O(num_edges^3) time to compute the eigensystem.
Currently, it does not support sparse eigensolvers, which would allow storing the Laplacian matrices in a sparse format and potentially reduce the O(num_edges^3) complexity to O(num_edges) with a large constant.
- Parameters:
num_nodes (int) – The number of nodes in the graph.
oriented_edges (lab.Int) –
A 2D array of shape [num_edges, 2], where num_edges is the number of edges in the graph. Each row of the array represents an oriented edge, i.e., a pair of node indices. If oriented_edges[e] is [i, j], then the edge with index e+1 (edge indexing starts from 1) represents an edge from node i to node j which is considered positively oriented, while the edge with index -e-1 represents an edge from node j to node i.
Make sure that oriented_edges and oriented_triangles are of the backend (NumPy / JAX / TensorFlow, PyTorch) that you wish to use for internal computations.
oriented_triangles (beartype.typing.Optional[lab.Int]) –
A 2D array of shape [num_triangles, 3], where num_triangles is the number of triangles in the graph. Each row of the array represents an oriented triangle, i.e., a triple of signed edge indices. If oriented_triangles[t] is [i, j, k], then t consists of the edges |i|, |j|, and |k|, where the sign of the edge index indicates the orientation of the edge. Optional. If not provided or set to None, we assume that the set of triangles is empty.
Make sure that oriented_edges and oriented_triangles are of the backend (NumPy / JAX / TensorFlow, PyTorch) that you wish to use for internal computations.
checks_mode (str) – A keyword argument that determines the level of checks performed on the oriented_edges and oriented_triangles arrays. The default value is “simple”, which performs only basic checks. The other possible values are “comprehensive” and “skip”, which perform more extensive checks and no checks, respectively. The “comprehensive” mode is useful for debugging but can be slow for large graphs.
index (beartype.typing.Optional[scipy.sparse.csr_matrix]) – Optional. A sparse matrix of shape [num_nodes, num_nodes] such that index[i, j] is the index of the edge (i, j) in the oriented_edges. index[i, j] is positive if (i, j) corresponds to positive orientation of the edge, and negative if it corresponds to the negative orientation. If provided, should be compatible with the oriented_edges array.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Yang et al. [2024].
- classmethod from_adjacency(adjacency_matrix, type_reference, *, triangles=None, checks_mode='simple')[source]¶
Construct the GraphEdges space from the adjacency matrix of a graph.
- Parameters:
adjacency_matrix (beartype.typing.Union[lab.NPNumeric, geometric_kernels.lab_extras.SparseArray]) – Adjacency matrix of a graph. A numpy array of shape [num_nodes, num_nodes] where num_nodes is the number of nodes in the graph. adjacency_matrix[i, j] can only be 0 or 1.
type_reference (lab.RandomState) – A random state object of the preferred backend to infer backend from.
triangles (beartype.typing.Optional[beartype.typing.List[beartype.typing.Tuple[int, int, int]]]) – A list of tuples of three integers representing the nodes of the triangles in the graph. If not provided or set to None, the maximal possible set of triangles will be computed and used.
checks_mode (str) – Forwards the checks_mode parameter to the constructor.
- Returns:
A constructed instance of the GraphEdges space.
- Return type:
- get_eigenfunctions(num, hodge_type=None)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels (i.e., in this case, num eigenpairs) of a particular type.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
hodge_type (beartype.typing.Optional[str]) – The type of the eigenbasis. It can be “harmonic”, “gradient”, or “curl”.
- Returns:
EigenfunctionsFromEigenvectors object.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_eigenvalues(num, hodge_type=None)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels (i.e., in this case, num eigenpairs). If type is specified, returns only the eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenfunctions of that type.
If type is specified, the array can have fewer than num elements.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
hodge_type (beartype.typing.Optional[str]) – The type of the eigenpairs. It can be “harmonic”, “gradient”, or “curl”.
- Returns:
(n, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues. n <= num.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvectors(num, hodge_type=None)[source]¶
Eigenvectors of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels (i.e., in this case, num eigenpairs). If type is specified, returns only the eigenvectors of that type.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenvectors to return.
hodge_type (beartype.typing.Optional[str]) – The type of the eigenpairs. It can be “harmonic”, “gradient”, or “curl”.
- Returns:
(n, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues. n <= num.
- Return type:
- get_number_of_eigenpairs(num, hodge_type)[source]¶
Returns the number of eigenpairs of a particular type.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
hodge_type (str) – The type of the eigenpairs. It can be “harmonic”, “gradient”, or “curl”.
- Returns:
The number of eigenpairs of the specified type.
- Return type:
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num, hodge_type=None)[source]¶
Same as
.- Parameters:
num (int) – Same as
.hodge_type (beartype.typing.Optional[str])
- Return type:
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- resolve_edges(es)[source]¶
Resolve the signed edge indices to node indices.
- Parameters:
es (lab.Int) – A 1-dimensional array of edge indices. Each edge index is a number from 1 to the number of edges (incl.).
- Returns:
A 2-dimensional array result such that result[e, :] is [i, j] where |e| = (i, j) if e > 0 and |e| = (j, i) if e < 0.
- Return type:
- resolve_triangles(ts)[source]¶
Resolve the triangle indices to node indices.
- Parameters:
ts (lab.Int) – A 1-dimensional array of triangle indices. Each triangle index is a number from 0 to the number of triangles.
- Returns:
A 3-dimensional array result such that result[t, :] is [i, j, k] where i = e1[0], j = e2[0], k = e3[0], and e1, e2, e3 are the oriented edges constituting the triangle t.
- Return type:
- property dimension: int¶
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace[source]¶
A Space with discrete spectrum (of the Laplacian) and Hodge decomposition.
Separates eigenpairs according to the Hodge decomposition, into the curl type (divergence-free), the gradient type (curl-free), and the harmonic type (both divergence- and curl-free).
Examples of such spaces are the edge space of a graph, or tangent bundles of compact Riemannian manifolds.
Hodge decomposition is briefly discussed on this documentation page.
Typically used with
.- abstract get_eigenfunctions(num, type=None)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels. If type is specified, returns only the eigenfunctions of that type.Warning
If type is specified, the returned
object does not have to have num levels. It can have fewer but can never have more.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
type (beartype.typing.Optional[str]) – Type of the eigenfunctions to return. Can be one of “harmonic”, “curl” or “gradient”.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- abstract get_eigenvalues(num, type=None)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels. If type is specified, returns only the eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenfunctions of that type.
If type is specified, the array can have fewer than num elements.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
type (beartype.typing.Optional[str])
- Returns:
(n, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues. n <= num.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- abstract get_repeated_eigenvalues(num, type=None)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels. If type is specified, returns only the eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenfunctions of that type.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
type (beartype.typing.Optional[str]) – Type of the eigenvalues to return. Can be one of “harmonic”, “curl” or “gradient”.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues (of the specified type, if type is given).
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Hyperbolic(dim=2)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the n-dimensional hyperbolic space \(\mathbb{H}_n\). We use the hyperboloid model of the hyperbolic space.
The elements of this space are represented by (n+1)-dimensional vectors satisfying
\[x_0^2 - x_1^2 - \ldots - x_n^2 = 1,\]i.e. lying on the hyperboloid.
The class inherits the interface of geomstats’s Hyperbolic with point_type=extrinsic.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the Hyperbolic.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
dim – Dimension of the hyperbolic space, denoted by n in docstrings.
As mentioned in this note, any symmetric space is a quotient G/H. For the hyperbolic space \(\mathbb{H}_n\), the group of symmetries \(G\) is the proper Lorentz group \(SO(1, n)\), while the isotropy subgroup \(H\) is the special orthogonal group \(SO(n)\). See the mathematical details in Azangulov et al. [2024].
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Azangulov et al. [2024].
- convert_to_ball(point)[source]¶
Converts the point from the hyperboloid model to the Poincare model. This corresponds to a stereographic projection onto the ball.
- Param:
An […, n+1]-shaped array of points on the hyperboloid.
- Returns:
An […, n]-shaped array of points in the Poincare ball.
- distance(x1, x2, diag=False)[source]¶
on the same inputs.- Parameters:
x1 (lab.Numeric)
x2 (lab.Numeric)
diag (beartype.typing.Optional[bool])
- Return type:
- inner_product(vector_a, vector_b)[source]¶
on vector_a and vector_b.
- inv_harish_chandra(lam)[source]¶
Implements \(c^{-1}(\lambda)\), where \(c\) is the Harish-Chandra’s \(c\) function.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam (lab.Numeric) – A batch of frequencies, vectors of dimension equal to the rank of symmetric space.
- Returns:
\(c^{-1}(\lambda)\) evaluated at every \(\lambda\) in the batch lam.
- Return type:
- power_function(lam, g, h)[source]¶
Implements the power function \(p^{\lambda}(g, h)\), the integrand appearing in the definition of the zonal spherical function
\[\pi^{\lambda}(g) = \int_{H} \underbrace{p^{\lambda}(g, h)}_{= e^{(i \lambda + \rho) a(h \cdot g)}} d h,\]where \(\lambda \in i \cdot \mathbb{R}^r\), with \(r\) denoting the rank of the symmetric space and \(i\) the imaginary unit, is a sort of frequency, \(g\) is an element of the group of symmetries \(G\), \(h\) is an element of its isotropy subgroup \(H\) (\(G\) and \(H\) are defined here), \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}^r\) is as in
, and the function \(a\) is a certain space-dependent algebraic operation.This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of L vectors of dimension rank, the rank of the symmetric space, representing the “sort of frequencies”.
Typically of shape [1, L, rank].
g (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of N elements of the space (these can always be thought of as elements of the group of symmetries \(G\) since the symmetric space \(G/H\) can be trivially embedded into the group \(G\)).
Typically of shape [N, 1, <axes>], where <axes> is the shape of the elements of the space.
h (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of L elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
Typically of shape [1, L, <axes_p>], where <axes_p> is the shape of arrays representing the elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
- Returns:
An array of shape [N, L] with complex number entries, representing the value of the values of \(p^{\lambda_l}(g_n, h_l)\) for all \(1 \leq n \leq N\) and \(1 \leq l \leq L\).
- Return type:
Actually, \(a\) may be a more appropriate primitive than the power function \(p^{\lambda}\): everything but \(a\) in the definition of the latter is either standard or available as other primitives. Us using \(p^{\lambda}\) as a primitive is quite arbitrary.
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Non-uniform random sampling, reimplements the algorithm from geomstats.
Always returns [N, n+1] float64 array of the key’s backend.
- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number random samples on the space.
- random_phases(key, num)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points on the isotropy subgroup \(H\) (defined here).
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
num – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of num uniformly random samples in the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
This does not sample random points on the space itself. Since the space itself is non-compact, uniform sampling on it is in principle impossible. However, the isotropy subgroup \(H\) is always compact and thus allows uniform sampling needed to approximate the zonal spherical functions \(\pi^{\lambda}(\cdot)\) via Monte Carlo.
- property dimension: int¶
Returns n, the dim parameter that was passed down to __init__.
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property num_axes¶
Number of axes in an array representing a point in the space.
- Returns:
- property rho¶
rho vector of dimension equal to the rank of the symmetric space.
Algebraically, weighted sum of roots, depends only on the space.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.HypercubeGraph(dim)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the d-dimensional hypercube graph \(C^d = \{0, 1\}^d\), the combinatorial space of binary vectors of length \(d\).
The elements of this space are represented by d-dimensional boolean vectors.
Levels are the whole eigenspaces.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the HypercubeGraph.ipynb notebook.
Since the degree matrix is a constant multiple of the identity, all types of the graph Laplacian coincide on the hypercube graph up to a constant, we choose the normalized Laplacian for numerical stability.
- Parameters:
dim (int) – Dimension \(d\) of the hypercube graph \(C^d\), a positive integer.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2023].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points on the hypercube graph \(C^d\).
Always returns [N, D] boolean array of the key’s backend.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number N of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- Return type:
- property dimension: int¶
Returns d, the dim parameter that was passed down to __init__.
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Hypersphere(dim)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the d-dimensional hypersphere \(\mathbb{S}_d\) embedded in the (d+1)-dimensional Euclidean space.
The elements of this space are represented by (d+1)-dimensional vectors of unit norm.
Levels are the whole eigenspaces.
We only support d >= 2. For d = 1, use
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the Hypersphere.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
dim (int) – Dimension of the hypersphere \(\mathbb{S}_d\). Should satisfy dim >= 2. For dim = 1, use
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2020].
- ehess2rhess(x, egrad, ehess, direction)[source]¶
Riemannian Hessian along a given direction from the Euclidean Hessian.
Used to test that the heat kernel does indeed solve the heat equation.
- Parameters:
x (lab.NPNumeric) – A point on the d-dimensional hypersphere.
egrad (lab.NPNumeric) – Euclidean gradient of a function defined in a neighborhood of the hypersphere, evaluated at the point x.
ehess (lab.NPNumeric) – Euclidean Hessian of a function defined in a neighborhood of the hypersphere, evaluated at the point x.
direction (lab.NPNumeric) – Direction to evaluate the Riemannian Hessian at. A tangent vector at x.
- Returns:
A [dim]-shaped array that contains Hess_f(x)[direction], the value of the Riemannian Hessian of the function evaluated at x along the direction.
- Return type:
See Absil et al. [2008] for mathematical details.
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points on the hypersphere.
Always returns [N, D+1] float64 array of the key’s backend.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number N of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- Return type:
- property dimension: int¶
Returns d, the dim parameter that was passed down to __init__.
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Mesh(vertices, faces)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the node set of any user-provided mesh.
The elements of this space are represented by node indices, integer values from 0 to Nv-1, where Nv is the number of nodes in the user-provided mesh.
Each individual eigenfunction constitutes a level.
We only support the commonly used 2-dimensional meshes (discrete counterparts of surfaces, 2-dimensional manifolds in a 3-dimensional ambient space).
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the Mesh.ipynb notebook.
We use potpourri3d to load meshes and mimic the interface of PyMesh.
- Parameters:
vertices (numpy.ndarray) – A [Nv, 3] array of vertex coordinates, Nv is the number of vertices.
faces (numpy.ndarray) –
A [Nf, 3] array of vertex indices that represents a generalized array of faces, where Nf is the number of faces.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2020].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels (i.e., in this case, num eigenpairs).- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigensystem(num)[source]¶
Returns the first num eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the robust Laplacian. Caches the solution to prevent re-computing the same values.
If the adjacency_matrix was a sparse SciPy array, requesting all eigenpairs will lead to a conversion of the sparse matrix to a dense one due to scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh limitations.
Always uses SciPy (thus CPU) for internal computations. We will need to fix this in the future.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenpairs to return. Performs the computation at the first call. Afterwards, fetches the result from cache.
- Returns:
A tuple of eigenvectors [nv, num], eigenvalues [num, 1].
- Return type:
beartype.typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenvalues to return.
- Returns:
Array of eigenvalues, with shape [num, 1].
- Return type:
- get_eigenvectors(num)[source]¶
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of eigenvectors to return.
- Returns:
Array of eigenvectors, with shape [Nv, num].
- Return type:
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Same as
.- Parameters:
num (int) – Same as
.- Return type:
- classmethod load_mesh(filename)[source]¶
by loading a mesh from the file at filename.
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
- property faces: numpy.ndarray¶
A [Nf, 3] array of vertex indices that represents a generalized array of faces, where Nf is the number of faces.
- Return type:
- property num_faces: int¶
Number of faces in the mesh, Nf.
- Return type:
- property num_vertices: int¶
Number of vertices in the mesh, Nv.
- Return type:
- property vertices: numpy.ndarray¶
A [Nv, 3] array of vertex coordinates, Nv is the number of vertices.
- Return type:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.NoncompactSymmetricSpace[source]¶
Non-compact symmetric space.
This includes, for instance, hyperbolic spaces and manifolds of symmetric positive definite matrices (endowed with the affine-invariant metric).
See a brief introduction into the theory behind the geometric kernels on non-compact symmetric spaces on the respective documentation page.
Typically used with
that builds on a space-specific feature map like theRejectionSamplingFeatureMapHyperbolic
and theRejectionSamplingFeatureMapSPD
, or, in the absence of a space-specific feature map, on the general (typically less effective) mapRandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact
Mathematically, any non-compact symmetric space can be represented as a quotient \(G/H\) of a Lie group of symmetries \(G\) and its compact isotropy subgroup \(H\). We sometimes refer to these \(G\) and \(H\) in the documentation. See mathematical details in Azangulov et al. [2024].
- abstract dimension()¶
Geometric dimension of the space.
: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices
: \(n(n+1)/2\)-dimensional,with n >= 2.
- Return type:
- abstract inv_harish_chandra(lam)[source]¶
Implements \(c^{-1}(\lambda)\), where \(c\) is the Harish-Chandra’s \(c\) function.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam (lab.Numeric) – A batch of frequencies, vectors of dimension equal to the rank of symmetric space.
- Returns:
\(c^{-1}(\lambda)\) evaluated at every \(\lambda\) in the batch lam.
- Return type:
- abstract num_axes()¶
Number of axes in an array representing a point in the space.
Usually 1 for vectors or 2 for matrices.
- abstract power_function(lam, g, h)[source]¶
Implements the power function \(p^{\lambda}(g, h)\), the integrand appearing in the definition of the zonal spherical function
\[\pi^{\lambda}(g) = \int_{H} \underbrace{p^{\lambda}(g, h)}_{= e^{(i \lambda + \rho) a(h \cdot g)}} d h,\]where \(\lambda \in i \cdot \mathbb{R}^r\), with \(r\) denoting the rank of the symmetric space and \(i\) the imaginary unit, is a sort of frequency, \(g\) is an element of the group of symmetries \(G\), \(h\) is an element of its isotropy subgroup \(H\) (\(G\) and \(H\) are defined here), \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}^r\) is as in
, and the function \(a\) is a certain space-dependent algebraic operation.This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of L vectors of dimension rank, the rank of the symmetric space, representing the “sort of frequencies”.
Typically of shape [1, L, rank].
g (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of N elements of the space (these can always be thought of as elements of the group of symmetries \(G\) since the symmetric space \(G/H\) can be trivially embedded into the group \(G\)).
Typically of shape [N, 1, <axes>], where <axes> is the shape of the elements of the space.
h (lab.Numeric) –
A batch of L elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
Typically of shape [1, L, <axes_p>], where <axes_p> is the shape of arrays representing the elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
- Returns:
An array of shape [N, L] with complex number entries, representing the value of the values of \(p^{\lambda_l}(g_n, h_l)\) for all \(1 \leq n \leq N\) and \(1 \leq l \leq L\).
- Return type:
Actually, \(a\) may be a more appropriate primitive than the power function \(p^{\lambda}\): everything but \(a\) in the definition of the latter is either standard or available as other primitives. Us using \(p^{\lambda}\) as a primitive is quite arbitrary.
- abstract random_phases(key, num)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points on the isotropy subgroup \(H\) (defined here).
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
num (int) – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of num uniformly random samples in the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
- Return type:
This does not sample random points on the space itself. Since the space itself is non-compact, uniform sampling on it is in principle impossible. However, the isotropy subgroup \(H\) is always compact and thus allows uniform sampling needed to approximate the zonal spherical functions \(\pi^{\lambda}(\cdot)\) via Monte Carlo.
- abstract rho()¶
rho vector of dimension equal to the rank of the symmetric space.
Algebraically, weighted sum of roots, depends only on the space.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace(*spaces, num_levels=25, num_levels_per_space=None)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing a product
\[\mathcal{S} = \mathcal{S}_1 \times \ldots \mathcal{S}_S\]of
-s \(\mathcal{S}_i\).Levels are indexed by tuples of levels of the factors.
Precomputing optimal levels
The eigenvalue corresponding to a level of the product space represented by a tuple \((j_1, .., j_S)\) is the sum
\[\lambda^{(1)}_{j_1} + \ldots + \lambda^{(S)}_{j_S}\]of the eigenvalues \(\lambda^{(s)}_{j_s}\) of the factors.
Computing top num_levels smallest eigenvalues is thus a combinatorial problem, the solution to which we precompute. To make this precomputation possible you need to provide the num_levels parameter when constructing the
, unlike for other spaces. What is more, the num parameter of theget_eigenfunctions()
cannot be larger than the num_levels value.Note
See this page for a brief account on theory behind product spaces and the Torus.ipynb notebook for a tutorial on how to use them.
An alternative to using
is to use theProductGeometricKernel
kernel. The latter is more flexible, allowing more general spaces as factors and automatic relevance determination -like behavior.- Parameters:
spaces (geometric_kernels.spaces.base.DiscreteSpectrumSpace) – The factors, subclasses of
.num_levels (int) – The number of levels to pre-compute for this product space.
num_levels_per_space (beartype.typing.Optional[int]) –
Number of levels to fetch for each of the factor spaces, to compute the product-space levels. This is a single number rather than a list, because we currently only support fetching the same number of levels for all the factor spaces.
If not given, num_levels levels will be fetched for each factor.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Borovitskiy et al. [2020].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the num_levels parameter of the constructor.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the num_levels parameter of the constructor.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the num_levels parameter of the constructor.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues,`J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample random points on the product space by concatenating random points on the factor spaces via
.- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
Returns the dimension of the product space, equal to the sum of dimensions of the factors.
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
Sum of the products of the element shapes of the factor spaces.
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.Space[source]¶
A space (input domain) on which a geometric kernel can be defined.
- abstract dimension()¶
Geometric dimension of the space.
: 0-dimensional.Circle
: 1-dimensional.Hypersphere
: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.Hyperbolic
: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
- Return type:
- abstract element_dtype()¶
Abstract DType of an element.
Examples: *
: B.Float *Mesh
: B.Int *SpecialUnitary
: B.Complex- Return type:
- abstract element_shape()¶
Shape of an element.
Examples: *
: [D + 1, ] *Mesh
: [1, ] *CompactMatrixLieGroup
: [n, n]- Return type:
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.SpecialOrthogonal(n)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the special orthogonal group SO(n) consisting of n by n orthogonal matrices with unit determinant.
The elements of this space are represented as n x n orthogonal matrices with real entries and unit determinant.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the SpecialOrthogonal.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
n (int) – The order n of the group SO(n).
We only support n >= 3. Mathematically, SO(2) is equivalent to the unit circle, which is available as the
space.For larger values of n, you might need to run the utils/ script to precompute the necessary mathematical quantities beyond the ones provided by default. Same can be required for larger numbers of levels.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Azangulov et al. [2024].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels and order n.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- static inverse(X)[source]¶
Inverse of a batch X of the elements of the group. A static method.
- Parameters:
X (lab.Numeric) – A batch […, n, n] of elements of the group. Each element is a n x n matrix.
- Returns:
A batch […, n, n] with each n x n matrix inverted.
- Return type:
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
The dimension of the space, as that of a Riemannian manifold.
- Returns:
floor(n(n-1)/2) where n is the order of the group SO(n).
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
[n, n].
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.SpecialUnitary(n)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the special unitary group SU(n) consisting of n by n complex unitary matrices with unit determinant.
The elements of this space are represented as n x n unitary matrices with complex entries and unit determinant.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the SpecialUnitary.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
n (int) – The order n of the group SU(n).
We only support n >= 2. Mathematically, SU(1) is trivial, consisting of a single element (the identity), chances are you do not need it. For large values of n, you might need to run the script to precompute the necessary mathematical quantities beyond the ones provided by default.
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Azangulov et al. [2024].
- get_eigenfunctions(num)[source]¶
Returns the
object with num levels and order n.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Return type:
- get_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- get_repeated_eigenvalues(num)[source]¶
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first num levels, repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of levels.
- Returns:
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
- Return type:
The notion of levels is discussed in the documentation of the
- static inverse(X)[source]¶
Inverse of a batch X of the elements of the group. A static method.
- Parameters:
X (lab.Numeric) – A batch […, n, n] of elements of the group. Each element is a n x n matrix.
- Returns:
A batch […, n, n] with each n x n matrix inverted.
- Return type:
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
- Parameters:
key (lab.RandomState) – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number (int) – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number uniformly random samples on the space.
- property dimension: int¶
The dimension of the space, as that of a Riemannian manifold.
- Returns:
floor(n^2-1) where n is the order of the group SU(n).
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
[n, n].
- class geometric_kernels.spaces.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices(n)[source]¶
The GeometricKernels space representing the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices \(SPD(n)\) with the affine-invariant Riemannian metric.
The elements of this space are represented by positive definite matrices of size n x n. Positive definite means _strictly_ positive definite here, not positive semi-definite.
The class inherits the interface of geomstats’s SPDMatrices.
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the SPD.ipynb notebook.
- Parameters:
n – Size of the matrices, the \(n\) in \(SPD(n)\).
As mentioned in this note, any symmetric space is a quotient G/H. For the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices \(SPD(n)\), the group of symmetries \(G\) is the identity component \(GL(n)_+\) of the general linear group \(GL(n)\), while the isotropy subgroup \(H\) is the special orthogonal group \(SO(n)\). See the mathematical details in Azangulov et al. [2024].
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider citing Azangulov et al. [2024].
- inv_harish_chandra(lam)[source]¶
Implements \(c^{-1}(\lambda)\), where \(c\) is the Harish-Chandra’s \(c\) function.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam – A batch of frequencies, vectors of dimension equal to the rank of symmetric space.
- Returns:
\(c^{-1}(\lambda)\) evaluated at every \(\lambda\) in the batch lam.
- power_function(lam, g, h)[source]¶
Implements the power function \(p^{\lambda}(g, h)\), the integrand appearing in the definition of the zonal spherical function
\[\pi^{\lambda}(g) = \int_{H} \underbrace{p^{\lambda}(g, h)}_{= e^{(i \lambda + \rho) a(h \cdot g)}} d h,\]where \(\lambda \in i \cdot \mathbb{R}^r\), with \(r\) denoting the rank of the symmetric space and \(i\) the imaginary unit, is a sort of frequency, \(g\) is an element of the group of symmetries \(G\), \(h\) is an element of its isotropy subgroup \(H\) (\(G\) and \(H\) are defined here), \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}^r\) is as in
, and the function \(a\) is a certain space-dependent algebraic operation.This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
lam –
A batch of L vectors of dimension rank, the rank of the symmetric space, representing the “sort of frequencies”.
Typically of shape [1, L, rank].
g –
A batch of N elements of the space (these can always be thought of as elements of the group of symmetries \(G\) since the symmetric space \(G/H\) can be trivially embedded into the group \(G\)).
Typically of shape [N, 1, <axes>], where <axes> is the shape of the elements of the space.
h –
A batch of L elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
Typically of shape [1, L, <axes_p>], where <axes_p> is the shape of arrays representing the elements of the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
- Returns:
An array of shape [N, L] with complex number entries, representing the value of the values of \(p^{\lambda_l}(g_n, h_l)\) for all \(1 \leq n \leq N\) and \(1 \leq l \leq L\).
Actually, \(a\) may be a more appropriate primitive than the power function \(p^{\lambda}\): everything but \(a\) in the definition of the latter is either standard or available as other primitives. Us using \(p^{\lambda}\) as a primitive is quite arbitrary.
- random(key, number)[source]¶
Non-uniform random sampling, reimplements the algorithm from geomstats.
Always returns [N, n, n] float64 array of the key’s backend.
- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
number – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of number random samples on the space.
- random_phases(key, num)[source]¶
Sample uniformly random points on the isotropy subgroup \(H\) (defined here).
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.- Parameters:
key – Either np.random.RandomState, tf.random.Generator, torch.Generator or jax.tensor (representing random state).
num – Number of samples to draw.
- Returns:
An array of num uniformly random samples in the isotropy subgroup \(H\).
This does not sample random points on the space itself. Since the space itself is non-compact, uniform sampling on it is in principle impossible. However, the isotropy subgroup \(H\) is always compact and thus allows uniform sampling needed to approximate the zonal spherical functions \(\pi^{\lambda}(\cdot)\) via Monte Carlo.
- property dimension: int¶
Returns n(n+1)/2 where n was passed down to __init__.
- Return type:
- property element_dtype¶
- Returns:
- property element_shape¶
- Returns:
[n, n].
- property num_axes¶
Number of axes in an array representing a point in the space.
- Returns:
- property rho¶
rho vector of dimension equal to the rank of the symmetric space.
Algebraically, weighted sum of roots, depends only on the space.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately) compute the
feature map andMaternFeatureMapKernel
on top of it.