This module provides the :class:`ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace` space and the
respective :class:`~.eigenfunctions.Eigenfunctions` subclass
See :doc:`this page </theory/product_spaces>` for a brief account on
theory behind product spaces and the :doc:`Torus.ipynb </examples/Torus>`
notebook for a tutorial on how to use them.
import itertools
import math
import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import from_numpy, int_like, take_along_axis
from geometric_kernels.spaces.base import DiscreteSpectrumSpace
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import Eigenfunctions
from geometric_kernels.utils.product import make_product, project_product
from geometric_kernels.utils.utils import chain
def _find_lowest_sum_combinations(arr: B.Numeric, k: int) -> B.Numeric:
For an [N, D] array `arr`, with `arr[i, :]` assumed sorted, find `k`
smallest sums of one element per each row, i.e. sums of form
`sum_i arr[i, j_i]`, return the array of indices of the summands.
:param arr:
An [N, D]-shaped array.
:param k:
Number of smallest sums to find.
A [k, N]-shaped array of the same backend as `arr`.
N, D = arr.shape
index_array = B.stack(*[B.zeros(int_like(arr), N) for i in range(k)], axis=0)
# prebuild array for indexing the first index of the eigenvalue array
first_index = B.linspace(0, N - 1, N).astype(int)
i = 0
# first eigenvalue is the sum of the first eigenvalues of the individual spaces
curr_idx = B.zeros(int, N)[None, :]
while i < k:
# compute eigenvalues of the proposals
sum_values = arr[first_index, curr_idx].sum(axis=1)
# Compute tied smallest new eigenvalues
lowest_sum_index = int(sum_values.argmin())
tied_sums = sum_values == sum_values[lowest_sum_index]
tied_sums_indexes = B.linspace(0, len(tied_sums) - 1, len(tied_sums)).astype(
# Add new eigenvalues to indexing array
for index in tied_sums_indexes:
index_array[i, :] = curr_idx[index]
i += 1
if i >= k:
# keep unaccepted ones around
old_indices = curr_idx[~tied_sums]
# mutate just accepted ones by adding one to each eigenindex
new_indices = curr_idx[tied_sums][..., None, :] + B.eye(int, curr_idx.shape[-1])
new_indices = new_indices.reshape((-1, new_indices.shape[-1]))
new_indices = B.minimum(new_indices, D - 1)
curr_idx = B.concat(old_indices, new_indices, axis=0)
curr_idx = np.unique(
B.to_numpy(curr_idx.reshape((-1, curr_idx.shape[-1]))),
# Filter out already searched combinations.
# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/40056251.
dims = np.maximum(curr_idx.max(0), index_array.max(0)) + 1
curr_idx = curr_idx[
np.ravel_multi_index(curr_idx.T, dims),
np.ravel_multi_index(index_array.T, dims),
return index_array
def _num_per_level_to_mapping(num_per_level: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
Given a list of numbers of eigenfunctions per level, return a list `mapping`
such that `mapping[i][j]` is the index of the `j`-th eigenfunction of the
`i`-th level.
:param num_per_level:
A `num_eigenfunctions_per_level` list of some space.
mapping = []
i = 0
for num in num_per_level:
mapping.append([i + j for j in range(num)])
i += num
return mapping
def _eigenlevelindices_to_eigenfunctionindices(
eigenlevelindices: B.Numeric, nums_per_level: List[List[int]]
) -> B.Numeric:
Given an `eigenlevelindices` which maps the product space's level indices to
the indices of the factor spaces' levels, return an `eigenfunctionindices`
array that maps the product space's eigenfunction index to the indices of
the factor spaces' individual eigenfunctions.
:param eigenlevelindices:
A [L, S]-shaped array, where `S` is the number of factor spaces and `L`
is the number of levels, such that `eigenindicies[i, :]` are the indices
of the levels of the factor spaces that correspond to the `i`'th level
of the product space.
:param nums_per_level:
Each `nums_per_level[j]` represents the `num_eigenfunctions_per_level`
list of the `j`-th factor space.
A [J, S]-shaped array, where `J` is the total number of eigenfunctions.
L = eigenlevelindices.shape[0]
S = eigenlevelindices.shape[1]
levels_to_eigenfunction_indices: List[List[List[int]]] = [
_num_per_level_to_mapping(npl) for npl in nums_per_level
] # S lists of lists of length L
eigenfunctionindices = []
for cur_level in range(L):
cur_factor_eigenfunction_indices: List[List[int]] = [
levels_to_eigenfunction_indices[s][eigenlevelindices[cur_level, s]]
for s in range(S)
new_indices: List[Tuple[int, ...]] = list(
) # part of the resulting eigenfunctionindices for the cur_level level.
eigenfunctionindices += new_indices
out = from_numpy(eigenlevelindices, np.array(eigenfunctionindices))
return out
class ProductEigenfunctions(Eigenfunctions):
Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the product space are outer products
of the eigenfunctions on factors.
Levels correspond to tuples of levels of the factors.
:param element_shapes:
Shapes of the elements in each factor. Can be obtained as properties
`space.element_shape` of any given factor `space`.
:param element_dtypes:
Abstract lab data types of the elements in each factor. Can be obtained
as properties `space.element_dtype` of any given factor `space`.
:param eigenindicies:
A [L, S]-shaped array, where `S` is the number of factor spaces and `L`
is the number of levels, such that `eigenindicies[i, :]` are the indices
of the levels of the factor spaces that correspond to the `i`'th level
of the product space.
This parameter implicitly determines the number of levels.
:param ``*eigenfunctions``:
The :class:`~.Eigenfunctions` subclasses corresponding to each of
the factor spaces.
:param dimension_indices:
Determines how a vector `x` representing a product space element is to
be mapped into the arrays `xi` that represent elements of the factor
spaces. `xi` are assumed to be equal to `x[dimension_indices[i]]`,
possibly up to a reshape. Such a reshape might be necessary to
accommodate the spaces whose elements are matrices rather than vectors,
as determined by `element_shapes`. The transformation of `x` into the
list of `xi`\ s is performed by :func:`~.project_product`.
If None, assumes the each input is layed-out flattened and concatenated,
in the same order as the factor spaces. In this case, the inverse to
:func:`~.project_product` is :func:`~.make_product`.
Defaults to None.
def __init__(
element_shapes: List[List[int]],
element_dtypes: List[B.DType],
eigenindicies: B.Numeric,
*eigenfunctions: Eigenfunctions,
dimension_indices: B.Numeric = None,
self._num_levels = eigenindicies.shape[0]
self.element_shapes = element_shapes
self.element_dtypes = element_dtypes
dimensions = [math.prod(element_shape) for element_shape in self.element_shapes]
if dimension_indices is None:
self.dimension_indices = []
i = 0
for dim in dimensions:
self.dimension_indices.append([*range(i, i + dim)])
i += dim
self.eigenindicies = eigenindicies
self.eigenfunctions = eigenfunctions
self.nums_per_level: List[List[int]] = [
for eigenfunctions_factor in self.eigenfunctions
] # [S, LFactor] where `LFactor` is eigenfunctions[0].num_levels
self._eigenfunctionindices = _eigenlevelindices_to_eigenfunctionindices(
self.eigenindicies, self.nums_per_level
assert self.eigenindicies.shape[-1] == len(self.eigenfunctions)
def __call__(self, X: B.Numeric, **kwargs) -> B.Numeric:
Evaluate the individual eigenfunctions at a batch of input locations.
.. warning::
Will `raise NotImplementedError` if some of the factors do not
implement their `__call__`.
:param X:
Points to evaluate the eigenfunctions at, an array of shape [N, D],
where `N` is the number of points and `D` is the dimension of the
vectors that represent points in the product space.
Each point `x` in the product space is a `D`-dimensional vector such
that `x[dimension_indices[i]]` is the vector that represents the
flattened element of the `i`-th factor space.
.. note::
If the instance was created with `dimension_indices=None`, then
you can use the :func:`~.make_product` function to convert a
list of (batches of) points in factor spaces into a (batch of)
points in the product space.
:param ``**kwargs``:
Any additional parameters.
An [N, J]-shaped array, where `J` is the number of eigenfunctions.
Xs = project_product(
X, self.dimension_indices, self.element_shapes, self.element_dtypes
) # List of S arrays, each of shape [N, *element_shape_s]
factor_eigenfunction_values = [
eigenfunction(X, **kwargs) # [N, Js], Js different for each factor
for eigenfunction, X in zip(self.eigenfunctions, Xs)
] # List of length S, contains arrays of different shapes (not stackable)
eigenfunction_values = []
for j in range(self.num_eigenfunctions):
m_idx = self._eigenfunctionindices[j] # (S,)-shaped array
:, self._eigenfunctionindices[j, s]
] # [N,]
for s in range(len(m_idx))
), # [N, S]
) # [N,]
eigenfunction_values = B.stack(*eigenfunction_values, axis=-1) # [N, J]
return eigenfunction_values
def num_eigenfunctions(self) -> int:
return self._eigenfunctionindices.shape[0]
def num_levels(self) -> int:
return self._num_levels
def phi_product(
self, X: B.Numeric, X2: Optional[B.Numeric] = None, **kwargs
) -> B.Numeric:
if X2 is None:
X2 = X
Xs = project_product(
X, self.dimension_indices, self.element_shapes, self.element_dtypes
) # List of S arrays, each of shape [N, *element_shape_s]
Xs2 = project_product(
X2, self.dimension_indices, self.element_shapes, self.element_dtypes
) # List of S arrays, each of shape [N2, *element_shape_s]
factor_phi_products = [
eigenfunction.phi_product(X1, X2, **kwargs), # [N, N2, L_s]
from_numpy(X1, self.eigenindicies[None, None, :, s]),
) # [N, N2, L]
for s, (eigenfunction, X1, X2) in enumerate(
zip(self.eigenfunctions, Xs, Xs2)
common_dtype = B.promote_dtypes(*[B.dtype(x) for x in factor_phi_products])
phis = B.stack(
*[B.cast(common_dtype, x) for x in factor_phi_products], axis=-1
) # [N, N2, L, S]
prod_phis = B.prod(phis, axis=-1) # [N, N2, L, S] -> [N, N2, L]
return prod_phis
def phi_product_diag(self, X: B.Numeric, **kwargs):
Xs = project_product(
X, self.dimension_indices, self.element_shapes, self.element_dtypes
phis = B.stack(
eigenfunction.phi_product_diag(X1, **kwargs), # [N, L_s]
from_numpy(X1, self.eigenindicies[None, :, s]),
) # [N, L]
for s, (eigenfunction, X1) in enumerate(zip(self.eigenfunctions, Xs))
) # [N, L, S]
prod_phis = B.prod(phis, axis=-1) # [N, L]
return prod_phis
def num_eigenfunctions_per_level(self) -> List[int]:
L = self.eigenindicies.shape[0]
S = self.eigenindicies.shape[1]
totals = []
for cur_level in range(L):
self.nums_per_level[s][self.eigenindicies[cur_level, s]]
for s in range(S)
return totals
class ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace(DiscreteSpectrumSpace):
The GeometricKernels space representing a product
.. math:: \mathcal{S} = \mathcal{S}_1 \times \ldots \mathcal{S}_S
of :class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace`-s $\mathcal{S}_i$.
Levels are indexed by tuples of levels of the factors.
.. admonition:: Precomputing optimal levels
The eigenvalue corresponding to a level of the product space
represented by a tuple $(j_1, .., j_S)$ is the sum
.. math:: \lambda^{(1)}_{j_1} + \ldots + \lambda^{(S)}_{j_S}
of the eigenvalues $\lambda^{(s)}_{j_s}$ of the factors.
Computing top `num_levels` smallest eigenvalues is thus a combinatorial
problem, the solution to which we precompute. To make this
precomputation possible you need to provide the `num_levels` parameter
when constructing the :class:`ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace`, unlike for
other spaces. What is more, the `num` parameter of the
:meth:`get_eigenfunctions` cannot be larger than the `num_levels` value.
.. note::
See :doc:`this page </theory/product_spaces>` for a brief account on
theory behind product spaces and the :doc:`Torus.ipynb
</examples/Torus>` notebook for a tutorial on how to use them.
An alternative to using :class:`ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace` is to use
the :class:`~.kernels.ProductGeometricKernel` kernel. The latter is more
flexible, allowing more general spaces as factors and automatic
relevance determination -like behavior.
:param spaces:
The factors, subclasses of :class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace`.
:param num_levels:
The number of levels to pre-compute for this product space.
:param num_levels_per_space:
Number of levels to fetch for each of the factor spaces, to compute
the product-space levels. This is a single number rather than a list,
because we currently only support fetching the same number of levels
for all the factor spaces.
If not given, `num_levels` levels will be fetched for each factor.
.. admonition:: Citation
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider
citing :cite:t:`borovitskiy2020`.
def __init__(
*spaces: DiscreteSpectrumSpace,
num_levels: int = 25,
num_levels_per_space: Optional[int] = None,
for space in spaces:
assert isinstance(
space, DiscreteSpectrumSpace
), "One of the spaces is not an instance of DiscreteSpectrumSpace."
self.factor_spaces = spaces # List of length S
self.num_levels = num_levels
# Perform a breadth-first search for the smallest eigenvalues.
# Assuming that the eigenvalues come sorted, the next biggest eigenvalue
# can be found by taking a one-index step in any direction from the
# current edge of the search space.
if num_levels_per_space is None:
num_levels_per_space = num_levels
assert num_levels <= num_levels_per_space ** len(
), "Cannot have more levels than there are possible combinations"
# prefetch the eigenvalues of the subspaces
factor_space_eigenvalues = B.stack(
space.get_eigenvalues(num_levels_per_space)[:, 0]
for space in self.factor_spaces
) # [S, num_levels_per_space]
self.factor_space_eigenindices = _find_lowest_sum_combinations(
factor_space_eigenvalues, self.num_levels
) # [self.num_levels, S]
self.factor_space_eigenvalues = factor_space_eigenvalues
self._eigenvalues = factor_space_eigenvalues[
def __str__(self):
return f"ProductDiscreteSpectrumSpace({', '.join(str(space) for space in self.factor_spaces)})"
def dimension(self) -> int:
Returns the dimension of the product space, equal to the sum of
dimensions of the factors.
return sum([space.dimension for space in self.factor_spaces])
def random(self, key, number):
Sample random points on the product space by concatenating random points
on the factor spaces via :func:`~.make_product`.
:param key:
Either `np.random.RandomState`, `tf.random.Generator`,
`torch.Generator` or `jax.tensor` (representing random state).
:param number:
Number of samples to draw.
An array of `number` uniformly random samples on the space.
random_points = []
for factor in self.factor_spaces:
key, factor_random_points = factor.random(key, number)
return key, make_product(random_points)
def get_eigenfunctions(self, num: int) -> Eigenfunctions:
Returns the :class:`~.ProductEigenfunctions` object with `num` levels.
:param num:
Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the `num_levels` parameter
of the constructor.
assert num <= self.num_levels
max_level = int(self.factor_space_eigenindices[:num, :].max() + 1)
factor_space_eigenfunctions = [
space.get_eigenfunctions(max_level) for space in self.factor_spaces
return ProductEigenfunctions(
[space.element_shape for space in self.factor_spaces],
[space.element_dtype for space in self.factor_spaces],
def get_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels.
:param num:
Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the `num_levels` parameter
of the constructor.
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
assert num <= self.num_levels
return self._eigenvalues[:num, None]
def get_repeated_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels,
repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
:param num:
Number of levels. Cannot be larger than the `num_levels` parameter
of the constructor.
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues,`J is
the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
assert num <= self.num_levels
eigenfunctions = self.get_eigenfunctions(num)
eigenvalues = self._eigenvalues[:num]
multiplicities = eigenfunctions.num_eigenfunctions_per_level
repeated_eigenvalues = chain(eigenvalues, multiplicities)
return B.reshape(repeated_eigenvalues, -1, 1) # [J, 1]
def element_shape(self):
Sum of the products of the element shapes of the factor spaces.
return sum(math.prod(space.element_shape) for space in self.factor_spaces)
def element_dtype(self):
return B.Numeric