This module provides the :class:`Graph` space.
import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import Dict, Tuple
from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import (
from geometric_kernels.spaces.base import DiscreteSpectrumSpace
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import (
class Graph(DiscreteSpectrumSpace):
The GeometricKernels space representing the node set of any user-provided
weighted undirected graph.
The elements of this space are represented by node indices, integer values
from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of nodes in the user-provided graph.
Each individual eigenfunction constitutes a *level*.
.. note::
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the
:doc:`Graph.ipynb </examples/Graph>` notebook.
:param adjacency_matrix:
An n-dimensional square, symmetric matrix, where
adjacency_matrix[i, j] is non-zero if there is an edge
between nodes i and j. SciPy's sparse matrices are supported.
.. warning::
Make sure that the type of the `adjacency_matrix` is of the
backend (NumPy (or SciPy) / JAX / TensorFlow, PyTorch) that
you wish to use for internal computations.
:param normalize_laplacian:
If True, the graph Laplacian will be degree normalized (symmetrically):
L_sym = D^-0.5 * L * D^-0.5.
Defaults to False.
.. admonition:: Citation
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider
citing :cite:t:`borovitskiy2021`.
def __init__(self, adjacency_matrix: B.Numeric, normalize_laplacian: bool = False): # type: ignore
self.cache: Dict[int, Tuple[B.Numeric, B.Numeric]] = {}
self._set_laplacian(adjacency_matrix, normalize_laplacian) # type: ignore
self._normalized = normalize_laplacian
def __str__(self):
return f"Graph({self.num_vertices}, {'normalized' if self._normalized else 'unnormalized'})"
def _checks(adjacency):
Checks if `adjacency` is a square symmetric matrix.
assert (
len(adjacency.shape) == 2 and adjacency.shape[0] == adjacency.shape[1]
), "Matrix is not square."
assert not B.any(adjacency != B.T(adjacency)), "Adjacency is not symmetric"
def dimension(self) -> int:
return 0 # this is needed for the kernel math to work out
def num_vertices(self) -> int:
Number of vertices in the graph.
return self._laplacian.shape[0]
def _set_laplacian(self, adjacency, normalize_laplacian=False):
Construct the appropriate graph Laplacian from the adjacency matrix.
degree_matrix = degree(adjacency)
self._laplacian = degree_matrix - adjacency
if normalize_laplacian:
degree_inv_sqrt = reciprocal_no_nan(B.sqrt(degree_matrix))
self._laplacian = degree_inv_sqrt @ self._laplacian @ degree_inv_sqrt
def get_eigensystem(self, num):
Returns the first `num` eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian.
Caches the solution to prevent re-computing the same values.
.. note::
If the `adjacency_matrix` was a sparse SciPy array, requesting
**all** eigenpairs will lead to a conversion of the sparse matrix
to a dense one due to scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh limitations.
:param num:
Number of eigenpairs to return. Performs the computation at the
first call. Afterwards, fetches the result from cache.
A tuple of eigenvectors [n, num], eigenvalues [num, 1].
assert (
num <= self.num_vertices
), "Number of eigenpairs cannot exceed the number of vertices"
if num not in self.cache:
evals, evecs = eigenpairs(self._laplacian, num)
evecs *= B.sqrt(self.num_vertices)
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
for i, evalue in enumerate(evals):
if evalue < eps or evalue < 0:
evals = set_value(evals, i, eps) # lowest eigenvals should be zero
self.cache[num] = (evecs, evals[:, None])
return self.cache[num]
def get_eigenfunctions(self, num: int) -> Eigenfunctions:
Returns the :class:`~.EigenfunctionsFromEigenvectors` object with
`num` levels (i.e., in this case, `num` eigenpairs).
:param num:
Number of levels.
eigenfunctions = EigenfunctionsFromEigenvectors(self.get_eigenvectors(num))
return eigenfunctions
def get_eigenvectors(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
:param num:
Number of eigenvectors to return.
Array of eigenvectors, with shape [n, num].
return self.get_eigensystem(num)[0]
def get_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
:param num:
Number of eigenvalues to return.
Array of eigenvalues, with shape [num, 1].
return self.get_eigensystem(num)[1]
def get_repeated_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Same as :meth:`get_eigenvalues`.
:param num:
Same as :meth:`get_eigenvalues`.
return self.get_eigenvalues(num)
def random(self, key, number):
num_vertices = B.shape(self._laplacian)[0]
key, random_vertices = B.randint(
key, dtype_integer(key), number, 1, lower=0, upper=num_vertices
return key, random_vertices
def element_shape(self):
return [1]
def element_dtype(self):
return B.Int