This module provides the :class:`SpecialUnitary` space and the respective
:class:`~.eigenfunctions.Eigenfunctions` subclass :class:`SUEigenfunctions`.
import itertools
import json
import math
import operator
from functools import reduce
import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import List, Tuple
from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import (
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import Eigenfunctions
from geometric_kernels.spaces.lie_groups import (
from geometric_kernels.utils.utils import chain, get_resource_file_path
class SUEigenfunctions(WeylAdditionTheorem):
def __init__(self, n, num_levels, compute_characters=True):
self.n = n
self.dim = n**2 - 1
self.rank = n - 1
self.rho = np.arange(self.n - 1, -self.n, -2) * 0.5
super().__init__(n, num_levels, compute_characters)
def _generate_signatures(self, num_levels: int) -> List[Tuple[int, ...]]:
sign_vals_lim = 100 if self.n in (1, 2) else 30 if self.n == 3 else 10
signatures = list(
range(sign_vals_lim, -1, -1), r=self.rank
signatures = [sgn + (0,) for sgn in signatures]
eig_and_signature = [
round(4 * (len(signature) ** 2) * self._compute_eigenvalue(signature)),
for signature in signatures
signatures = [eig_sgn[1] for eig_sgn in eig_and_signature][:num_levels]
return signatures
def _compute_dimension(self, signature: Tuple[int, ...]) -> int:
rep_dim = reduce(
signature[i - 1] - signature[j - 1] + j - i
for j in range(i + 1, self.n + 1)
/ math.factorial(self.n - i)
for i in range(1, self.n)
return int(round(rep_dim))
def _compute_eigenvalue(self, signature: Tuple[int, ...]) -> B.Float:
normalized_signature = np.asarray(signature, dtype=np.float64) - np.mean(
lb_eigenvalue = (
np.linalg.norm(self.rho + normalized_signature) ** 2
- np.linalg.norm(self.rho) ** 2
return lb_eigenvalue
def _compute_character(
self, n: int, signature: Tuple[int, ...]
) -> LieGroupCharacter:
return SUCharacter(n, signature)
def _torus_representative(self, X):
return B.eig(X, False)
def inverse(self, X: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
return SpecialUnitary.inverse(X)
class SUCharacter(LieGroupCharacter):
The class that represents a character of the SU(n) group.
Many of the characters on SU(n) are complex-valued.
These are polynomials whose coefficients are precomputed and stored in a
file. By default, there are 20 precomputed characters for n from 2 to 6.
If you want more, use the `compute_characters.py` script.
:param n:
The order n of the SO(n) group.
:param signature:
The signature that determines a particular character (and an
irreducible unitary representation along with it).
def __init__(self, n: int, signature: Tuple[int, ...]):
self.signature = signature
self.n = n
self.coeffs, self.monoms = self._load()
def _load(self):
group_name = "SU({})".format(self.n)
with get_resource_file_path("precomputed_characters.json") as file_path:
with file_path.open("r") as file:
character_formulas = json.load(file)
cs, ms = character_formulas[group_name][str(self.signature)]
coeffs, monoms = (np.array(data) for data in (cs, ms))
return coeffs, monoms
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Unable to retrieve character parameters for signature {} of {}, "
"perhaps it is not precomputed."
"Run compute_characters.py with changed parameters.".format(
e.args[0], group_name
) from None
def __call__(self, gammas: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
char_val = B.zeros(B.dtype(gammas), *gammas.shape[:-1])
for coeff, monom in zip(self.coeffs, self.monoms):
char_val += coeff * B.prod(
gammas, B.cast(complex_like(gammas), from_numpy(gammas, monom))
return char_val
class SpecialUnitary(CompactMatrixLieGroup):
The GeometricKernels space representing the special unitary group SU(n)
consisting of n by n complex unitary matrices with unit determinant.
The elements of this space are represented as n x n unitary
matrices with complex entries and unit determinant.
.. note::
A tutorial on how to use this space is available in the
:doc:`SpecialUnitary.ipynb </examples/SpecialUnitary>` notebook.
:param n:
The order n of the group SU(n).
.. note::
We only support n >= 2. Mathematically, SU(1) is trivial, consisting
of a single element (the identity), chances are you do not need it.
For large values of n, you might need to run the `compute_characters.py`
script to precompute the necessary mathematical quantities beyond the
ones provided by default.
.. admonition:: Citation
If you use this GeometricKernels space in your research, please consider
citing :cite:t:`azangulov2024a`.
def __init__(self, n: int):
if n < 2:
raise ValueError(f"Only n >= 2 is supported. n = {n} was provided.")
self.n = n
self.dim = n**2 - 1
self.rank = n - 1
def __str__(self):
return f"SpecialUnitary({self.n})"
def dimension(self) -> int:
The dimension of the space, as that of a Riemannian manifold.
floor(n^2-1) where n is the order of the group SU(n).
return self.dim
def inverse(X: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
return complex_conj(
) # B.transpose only inverses the last two dims.
def get_eigenfunctions(self, num: int) -> Eigenfunctions:
Returns the :class:`~.SUEigenfunctions` object with `num` levels
and order n.
:param num:
Number of levels.
return SUEigenfunctions(self.n, num)
def get_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
eigenfunctions = SUEigenfunctions(self.n, num)
eigenvalues = np.array(
[eigenvalue for eigenvalue in eigenfunctions._eigenvalues]
return B.reshape(eigenvalues, -1, 1) # [num, 1]
def get_repeated_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
eigenfunctions = SUEigenfunctions(self.n, num)
eigenvalues = chain(
[rep_dim**2 for rep_dim in eigenfunctions._dimensions],
return B.reshape(eigenvalues, -1, 1) # [M, 1]
def random(self, key: B.RandomState, number: int):
if self.n == 2:
# explicit parametrization via the double cover SU(2) = S_3
key, sphere_point = B.random.randn(key, dtype_double(key), number, 4)
sphere_point /= B.reshape(
B.sqrt(B.einsum("ij,ij->i", sphere_point, sphere_point)), -1, 1
a = create_complex(sphere_point[..., 0], sphere_point[..., 1])
b = create_complex(sphere_point[..., 2], sphere_point[..., 3])
r1 = B.stack(a, -complex_conj(b), axis=-1)
r2 = B.stack(b, complex_conj(a), axis=-1)
q = B.stack(r1, r2, axis=-1)
return key, q
key, real = B.random.randn(key, dtype_double(key), number, self.n, self.n)
key, imag = B.random.randn(key, dtype_double(key), number, self.n, self.n)
h = create_complex(real, imag) / B.sqrt(2)
q, r = qr(h, mode="complete")
r_diag = B.einsum("...ii->...i", r)
r_diag_inv_phase = complex_conj(
r_diag / B.cast(B.dtype(r_diag), B.abs(r_diag))
q *= r_diag_inv_phase[:, None]
q_det = B.det(q)
q_det_inv_phase = complex_conj(
(q_det / B.cast(B.dtype(q_det), B.abs(q_det)))
q_new = q[:, :, 0] * q_det_inv_phase[:, None]
q_new = B.concat(q_new[:, :, None], q[:, :, 1:], axis=-1)
return key, q_new
def element_shape(self):
[n, n].
return [self.n, self.n]
def element_dtype(self):
return B.Complex