Abstract base classes for all spaces (input domains) in the library.
import abc
import lab as B
from beartype.typing import List, Optional
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import Eigenfunctions
class Space(abc.ABC):
A space (input domain) on which a geometric kernel can be defined.
def dimension(self) -> int:
Geometric dimension of the space.
* :class:`~.spaces.Graph`: 0-dimensional.
* :class:`~.spaces.Circle`: 1-dimensional.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hypersphere`: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hyperbolic`: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
raise NotImplementedError
def element_shape(self) -> List[int]:
Shape of an element.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hypersphere`: [D + 1, ]
* :class:`~.spaces.Mesh`: [1, ]
* :class:`~.spaces.CompactMatrixLieGroup`: [n, n]
raise NotImplementedError
def element_dtype(self) -> B.DType:
Abstract DType of an element.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hypersphere`: B.Float
* :class:`~.spaces.Mesh`: B.Int
* :class:`~.spaces.SpecialUnitary`: B.Complex
raise NotImplementedError
class DiscreteSpectrumSpace(Space):
A Space with discrete spectrum (of the Laplacian operator).
This includes, for instance, compact Riemannian manifolds, graphs & meshes.
Subclasses implement routines for computing the eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator, or certain combinations thereof.
Since there is often an infinite or a prohibitively large number of those,
they only compute a finite subset, consisting of the ones that are most
important for approximating Matérn kernel best.
.. note::
See a brief introduction into the theory behind the geometric
kernels on discrete spectrum spaces on the documentation pages devoted
to :doc:`compact Riemannian manifolds </theory/compact>` (also
:doc:`this </theory/addition_theorem>`), :doc:`graphs
</theory/graphs>` and :doc:`meshes </theory/meshes>`.
.. note::
Typically used with :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel`.
def dimension(self) -> int:
Geometric dimension of the space.
* :class:`~.spaces.Graph`: 0-dimensional.
* :class:`~.spaces.Circle`: 1-dimensional.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hypersphere`: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_eigenfunctions(self, num: int) -> Eigenfunctions:
Returns the :class:`~.Eigenfunctions` object with `num` levels.
:param num:
Number of levels.
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
def get_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels.
:param num:
Number of levels.
(num, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues.
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
def get_repeated_eigenvalues(self, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels,
repeated according to their multiplicity within levels.
:param num:
Number of levels.
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is
the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues.
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
def random(self, key: B.RandomState, number: int) -> B.Numeric:
Sample uniformly random points in the space.
:param key:
Either `np.random.RandomState`, `tf.random.Generator`,
`torch.Generator` or `jax.tensor` (representing random state).
:param number:
Number of samples to draw.
An array of `number` uniformly random samples on the space.
raise NotImplementedError
class HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace(DiscreteSpectrumSpace):
A Space with discrete spectrum (of the Laplacian) and Hodge decomposition.
Separates eigenpairs according to the Hodge decomposition, into the curl
type (divergence-free), the gradient type (curl-free), and the harmonic
type (both divergence- and curl-free).
Examples of such spaces are the edge space of a graph, or tangent bundles
of compact Riemannian manifolds.
.. note::
Hodge decomposition is briefly discussed on :doc:`this </theory/graphs>`
documentation page.
.. note::
Typically used with :class:`~.kernels.MaternHodgeCompositionalKernel`.
def get_eigenfunctions(
self, num: int, type: Optional[str] = None
) -> Eigenfunctions:
Returns the :class:`~.Eigenfunctions` object with `num` levels.
If `type` is specified, returns only the eigenfunctions of that type.
.. warning::
If `type` is specified, the returned :class:`~.Eigenfunctions`
object does not have to have `num` levels. It can have fewer but can
never have more.
:param num:
Number of levels.
:param type:
Type of the eigenfunctions to return. Can be one of "harmonic",
"curl" or "gradient".
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
def get_eigenvalues(self, num: int, type: Optional[str] = None) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels.
If `type` is specified, returns only the eigenvalues corresponding to
the eigenfunctions of that type.
.. warning::
If `type` is specified, the array can have fewer than `num` elements.
:param num:
Number of levels.
(n, 1)-shaped array containing the eigenvalues. n <= num.
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
def get_repeated_eigenvalues(
self, num: int, type: Optional[str] = None
) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian corresponding to the first `num` levels,
repeated according to their multiplicity within levels. If `type` is
specified, returns only the eigenvalues corresponding to the
eigenfunctions of that type.
:param num:
Number of levels.
:param type:
Type of the eigenvalues to return. Can be one of "harmonic",
"curl" or "gradient".
(J, 1)-shaped array containing the repeated eigenvalues, J is
the resulting number of the repeated eigenvalues (of the specified
type, if `type` is given).
.. note::
The notion of *levels* is discussed in the documentation of the
raise NotImplementedError
class NoncompactSymmetricSpace(Space):
Non-compact symmetric space.
This includes, for instance, hyperbolic spaces and manifolds of symmetric
positive definite matrices (endowed with the affine-invariant metric).
.. note::
See a brief introduction into the theory behind the geometric
kernels on non-compact symmetric spaces on the
:doc:`respective documentation page </theory/symmetric>`.
.. note::
Typically used with :class:`~.kernels.MaternFeatureMapKernel` that
builds on a space-specific feature map like the
:class:`~.feature_maps.RejectionSamplingFeatureMapHyperbolic` and the
:class:`~.feature_maps.RejectionSamplingFeatureMapSPD`, or, in the
absence of a space-specific feature map, on the general (typically less
effective) map :class:`~.feature_maps.RandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact`.
.. note:: .. _quotient note:
Mathematically, any non-compact symmetric space can be represented as
a quotient $G/H$ of a Lie group of symmetries $G$ and its compact
isotropy subgroup $H$. We sometimes refer to these $G$ and $H$ in
the documentation. See mathematical details in :cite:t:`azangulov2024b`.
def dimension(self) -> int:
Geometric dimension of the space.
* :class:`~.spaces.Hyperbolic`: d-dimensional, with d >= 2.
* :class:`~.spaces.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices`: $n(n+1)/2$-dimensional,
with n >= 2.
raise NotImplementedError
def inv_harish_chandra(self, lam: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Implements $c^{-1}(\lambda)$, where $c$ is the Harish-Chandra's $c$
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately)
compute the :class:`~.feature_maps.RandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact`
feature map and :class:`~.kernels.MaternFeatureMapKernel` on top of it.
:param lam:
A batch of frequencies, vectors of dimension equal to the rank of
symmetric space.
$c^{-1}(\lambda)$ evaluated at every $\lambda$ in the batch `lam`.
raise NotImplementedError
def power_function(self, lam: B.Numeric, g: B.Numeric, h: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Implements the *power function* $p^{\lambda}(g, h)$, the integrand
appearing in the definition of the zonal spherical function
.. math:: \pi^{\lambda}(g) = \int_{H} \underbrace{p^{\lambda}(g, h)}_{= e^{(i \lambda + \rho) a(h \cdot g)}} d h,
where $\lambda \in i \cdot \mathbb{R}^r$, with $r$ denoting the rank of
the symmetric space and $i$ the imaginary unit, is a sort of frequency,
$g$ is an element of the group of symmetries $G$, $h$ is an element
of its isotropy subgroup $H$ ($G$ and $H$ are defined :ref:`here
<quotient note>`), $\rho \in \mathbb{R}^r$ is as in :meth:`rho`, and
the function $a$ is a certain space-dependent algebraic operation.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately)
compute the :class:`~.feature_maps.RandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact`
feature map and :class:`~.kernels.MaternFeatureMapKernel` on top of it.
:param lam:
A batch of L vectors of dimension `rank`, the rank of the
symmetric space, representing the "sort of frequencies".
Typically of shape [1, L, rank].
:param g:
A batch of N elements of the space (these can always be thought of
as elements of the group of symmetries $G$ since the symmetric
space $G/H$ can be trivially embedded into the group $G$).
Typically of shape [N, 1, <axes>], where <axes> is the shape of
the elements of the space.
:param h:
A batch of L elements of the isotropy subgroup $H$.
Typically of shape [1, L, <axes_p>], where <axes_p> is the shape of
arrays representing the elements of the isotropy subgroup $H$.
An array of shape [N, L] with complex number entries, representing
the value of the values of $p^{\lambda_l}(g_n, h_l)$ for all
$1 \leq n \leq N$ and $1 \leq l \leq L$.
.. note::
Actually, $a$ may be a more appropriate primitive than the power
function $p^{\lambda}$: everything but $a$ in the definition of
the latter is either standard or available as other primitives.
Us using $p^{\lambda}$ as a primitive is quite arbitrary.
raise NotImplementedError
def rho(self):
`rho` vector of dimension equal to the rank of the symmetric space.
Algebraically, weighted sum of *roots*, depends only on the space.
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately)
compute the :class:`~.feature_maps.RandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact`
feature map and :class:`~.kernels.MaternFeatureMapKernel` on top of it.
raise NotImplementedError
def random_phases(self, key: B.RandomState, num: int) -> B.Numeric:
Sample uniformly random points on the isotropy subgroup $H$ (defined
:ref:`here <quotient note>`).
This is one of the computational primitives required to (approximately)
compute the :class:`~.feature_maps.RandomPhaseFeatureMapNoncompact`
feature map and :class:`~.kernels.MaternFeatureMapKernel` on top of it.
:param key:
Either `np.random.RandomState`, `tf.random.Generator`,
`torch.Generator` or `jax.tensor` (representing random state).
:param num:
Number of samples to draw.
An array of `num` uniformly random samples in the isotropy
subgroup $H$.
.. warning::
This does not sample random points on the space itself. Since the
space itself is non-compact, uniform sampling on it is in principle
impossible. However, the isotropy subgroup $H$ is always
compact and thus allows uniform sampling needed to approximate the
zonal spherical functions $\pi^{\lambda}(\cdot)$ via Monte Carlo.
def num_axes(self):
Number of axes in an array representing a point in the space.
Usually 1 for vectors or 2 for matrices.