Abstract base interface for compact matrix Lie groups and its abstract
friends, a subclass of :class:`~.eigenfunctions.Eigenfunctions` and an
abstract base class for Lie group characters.
import abc
import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from geometric_kernels.spaces.base import DiscreteSpectrumSpace
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import EigenfunctionsWithAdditionTheorem
class LieGroupCharacter(abc.ABC):
Class that represents a character of a Lie group.
def __call__(self, gammas: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Compute the character on `gammas` lying in a maximal torus.
:param gammas:
[..., rank] where `rank` is the dimension of a maximal torus.
An array of shape [...] representing the values of the characters.
The values can be complex-valued.
raise NotImplementedError
class WeylAdditionTheorem(EigenfunctionsWithAdditionTheorem):
A class for computing the sums of outer products of certain combinations
(we call "levels") of Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions on compact Lie
groups. These are much like the *zonal spherical harmonics* of the
:class:`~.SphericalHarmonics` class. However, the key to computing them
is representation-theoretic: they are proportional to *characters* of
irreducible unitary representations of the group. These characters, in their
turn, can be algebraically computed using the *Weyl character formula*. See
:cite:t:`azangulov2024a` for the mathematical details behind this class.
:param n:
The order of the Lie group, e.g. for SO(5) this is 5, for SU(3) this is 3.
:param num_levels:
The number of levels used for kernel approximation. Here, each level
corresponds to an irreducible unitary representation of the group.
:param compute_characters:
Whether or not to actually compute the *characters*. Setting this parameter
to False might make sense if you do not care about eigenfunctions (or sums
of outer products thereof), but care about eigenvalues, dimensions of
irreducible unitary representations, etc.
Defaults to True.
.. note::
Unlike :class:`~.SphericalHarmonics`, we do not expect the
descendants of this class to compute the actual Laplace-Beltrami
eigenfunctions (which are similar to (non-zonal) *spherical harmonics*
of :class:`~.SphericalHarmonics`), implementing the `__call___` method.
In this case, this is not really necessary and computationally harder.
.. note::
Unlike in :class:`~.SphericalHarmonics`, here the levels do not
necessarily correspond to whole eigenspaces (all eigenfunctions that
correspond to the same eigenvalue). Here, levels are defined in terms of
the algebraic structure of the group: they are the eigenfunctions that
correspond to the same irreducible unitary representation of the group.
.. note::
Here we break the general convention that the subclasses of the
:class:`~.eigenfunctions.Eigenfunctions` only provide an interface for
working with eigenfunctions, not eigenvalues, offering an interface
for computing the latter as well.
def __init__(self, n: int, num_levels: int, compute_characters: bool = True):
self._num_levels = num_levels
self._signatures = self._generate_signatures(self._num_levels)
self._eigenvalues = np.array(
[self._compute_eigenvalue(signature) for signature in self._signatures]
self._dimensions = [
self._compute_dimension(signature) for signature in self._signatures
if compute_characters:
self._characters = [
self._compute_character(n, signature) for signature in self._signatures
self._num_eigenfunctions: Optional[int] = None # To be computed when needed.
def _generate_signatures(self, num_levels: int) -> List[Tuple[int, ...]]:
Generate the signatures of `self.num_levels` irreducible unitary
representations of the group that (likely) correspond to the smallest
Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues. These signatures index representations,
mathematically they are vectors of dimension equal to the *rank* of the
group, which in its turn is the dimension of maximal tori.
:param num_levels:
Number of levels.
List of signatures of irreducible unitary representations. Each
signature is itself a tuple of integers, whose length is equal to
the rank of the group typically stored in `self.rank`.
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_eigenvalue(self, signature: Tuple[int, ...]) -> B.Float:
Compute eigenvalue corresponding to `signature`.
:param signature:
The signature.
The eigenvalue.
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_dimension(self, signature: Tuple[int, ...]) -> int:
Compute dimension of the representation corresponding to `signature`.
:param signature:
The signature.
The dimension.
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_character(
self, n: int, signature: Tuple[int, ...]
) -> LieGroupCharacter:
Compute character of the representation corresponding to `signature`.
:param signature:
The signature.
The character, represented by :class:`LieGroupCharacter`.
raise NotImplementedError
def _torus_representative(self, X: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
The function maps a Lie group element `X` to a maximal torus of the
Lie group.
:param X:
An [N, n, n]-shaped array, a batch of N matrices of size nxn.
An [N, R]-shape array, a batch of N vectors of size R, where R is
the dimension of maximal tori, i.e. the rank of the Lie group.
raise NotImplementedError
def inverse(self, X: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Should call the group's static
:meth:`~.spaces.CompactMatrixLieGroup.inverse` method.
:param X:
As in :meth:`~.spaces.CompactMatrixLieGroup.inverse`.
raise NotImplementedError
def _difference(self, X: B.Numeric, X2: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Pairwise difference (in the group sense) between elements of the
two batches, `X` and `X2`.
:param X:
An [N, n, n]-shaped array, a batch of N matrices of size nxn.
:param X2:
An [N2, n, n]-shaped array, a batch of N2 matrices of size nxn.
An [N, N2, n, n]-shaped array, all pairwise "differences":
X1[j, :, :] * inv(X2[i, :, :]) for all 0 <= i < N, 0 <= j < N2.
.. note::
Doing X1[j, :, :] * inv(X2[i, :, :]) is as permissible as
doing inv(X2[i, :, :]) * X1[j, :, :] which is actually used in
:cite:t:`azangulov2024a`. This is because $\chi(x y x^{-1})=\chi(y)$
which implies that $\chi(x y) = \chi(y x)$.
X2_inv = self.inverse(X2)
X_ = B.tile(X[..., None, :, :], 1, X2_inv.shape[0], 1, 1) # (N, N2, n, n)
X2_inv_ = B.tile(X2_inv[None, ..., :, :], X.shape[0], 1, 1, 1) # (N, N2, n, n)
diff = B.reshape(
B.matmul(X_, X2_inv_), X.shape[0], X2_inv.shape[0], X.shape[-1], X.shape[-1]
) # (N, N2, n, n)
return diff
def _addition_theorem(
self, X: B.Numeric, X2: Optional[B.Numeric] = None, **kwargs
) -> B.Numeric:
For each level (that corresponds to a unitary irreducible
representation of the group), computes the sum of outer products of
Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions that correspond to this level
(representation). Uses the fact that such sums are equal to the
character of the representation multiplied by the dimension of that
representation. See :cite:t:`azangulov2024a` for mathematical details.
:param X:
An [N, n, n]-shaped array, a batch of N matrices of size nxn.
:param X2:
An [N2, n, n]-shaped array, a batch of N2 matrices of size nxn.
Defaults to None, in which case X is used for X2.
:param ``**kwargs``:
Any additional parameters.
An array of shape [N, N2, L].
if X2 is None:
X2 = X
diff = self._difference(X, X2)
torus_repr_diff = self._torus_representative(diff)
values = [
repr_dim * chi(torus_repr_diff)[..., None] # [N, N2, 1]
for chi, repr_dim in zip(self._characters, self._dimensions)
return B.concat(*values, axis=-1) # [N, N2, L]
def _addition_theorem_diag(self, X: B.Numeric, **kwargs) -> B.Numeric:
A more efficient way of computing the diagonals of the matrices
`self._addition_theorem(X, X)[:, :, l]` for all l from 0 to L-1.
:param X:
As in :meth:`_addition_theorem`.
:param ``**kwargs``:
As in :meth:`_addition_theorem`.
An array of shape [N, L].
ones = B.ones(B.dtype(X), *X.shape[:-2], 1)
values = [
repr_dim * repr_dim * ones # [N, 1], because chi(X*inv(X))=repr_dim
for repr_dim in self._dimensions
return B.concat(*values, axis=1) # [N, L]
def num_levels(self) -> int:
return self._num_levels
def num_eigenfunctions(self) -> int:
if self._num_eigenfunctions is None:
self._num_eigenfunctions = sum(self.num_eigenfunctions_per_level)
return self._num_eigenfunctions
def num_eigenfunctions_per_level(self) -> List[int]:
The number of eigenfunctions per level.
List of squares of dimensions of the unitary irreducible
return [d**2 for d in self._dimensions]
class CompactMatrixLieGroup(DiscreteSpectrumSpace):
A base class for compact Lie groups of matrices, subgroups of the
real or complex general linear group GL(n), n being some integer.
The group operation is the standard matrix multiplication, and the group
inverse is the standard matrix inverse. Despite this, we make the
subclasses implement their own inverse routine, because in special cases
it can typically be implemented much more efficiently. For example, for
the special orthogonal group :class:`~.spaces.SpecialOrthogonal`, the
inverse is equivalent to a simple transposition.
def inverse(X: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric:
Inverse of a batch `X` of the elements of the group. A static method.
:param X:
A batch [..., n, n] of elements of the group.
Each element is a n x n matrix.
A batch [..., n, n] with each n x n matrix inverted.
raise NotImplementedError