Source code for geometric_kernels.feature_maps.deterministic

This module provides the :class:`DeterministicFeatureMapCompact`, a
Karhunen-Loève expansion-based feature map for those
:class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace`\ s, for which the eigenpairs
are explicitly known.

import lab as B
from beartype.typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from geometric_kernels.feature_maps.base import FeatureMap
from geometric_kernels.spaces import DiscreteSpectrumSpace

[docs] class DeterministicFeatureMapCompact(FeatureMap): r""" Deterministic feature map for :class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace`\ s for which the actual eigenpairs are explicitly available. :param space: A :class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace` space. :param num_levels: Number of levels in the kernel approximation. """ def __init__(self, space: DiscreteSpectrumSpace, num_levels: int): from geometric_kernels.kernels.karhunen_loeve import MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel = space self.num_levels = num_levels self.kernel = MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel(space, num_levels) self.repeated_eigenvalues = space.get_repeated_eigenvalues( self.kernel.num_levels )
[docs] def __call__( self, X: B.Numeric, params: Dict[str, B.Numeric], normalize: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[None, B.Numeric]: """ :param X: [N, ...] points in the space to evaluate the map on. :param params: Parameters of the kernel (length scale and smoothness). :param normalize: Normalize to have unit average variance (if omitted or None, follows the standard behavior of :class:`~.kernels.MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel`). :param ``**kwargs``: Unused. :return: `Tuple(None, features)` where `features` is an [N, O] array, N is the number of inputs and O is the dimension of the feature map. .. note:: The first element of the returned tuple is the simple None and should be ignored. It is only there to support the abstract interface: for some other subclasses of :class:`FeatureMap`, this first element may be an updated random key. """ spectrum = self.kernel._spectrum( self.repeated_eigenvalues, nu=params["nu"], lengthscale=params["lengthscale"], ) normalize = normalize or (normalize is None and self.kernel.normalize) if normalize: normalizer = B.sum(spectrum) spectrum = spectrum / normalizer weights = B.transpose(B.power(spectrum, 0.5)) # [1, M] eigenfunctions = self.kernel.eigenfunctions(X, **params) # [N, M] features = B.cast(B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), eigenfunctions) * B.cast( B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), weights ) # [N, M] return None, features