This module provides the :class:`RejectionSamplingFeatureMapHyperbolic` and the
:class:`RejectionSamplingFeatureMapSPD`, rejection sampling-based feature maps
for :class:`~.spaces.Hyperbolic` and
:class:`~.spaces.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices`, respectively.
import lab as B
from beartype.typing import Dict, Tuple
from geometric_kernels.feature_maps.base import FeatureMap
from geometric_kernels.feature_maps.probability_densities import (
from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import from_numpy
from geometric_kernels.spaces import Hyperbolic, SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices
class RejectionSamplingFeatureMapHyperbolic(FeatureMap):
Random phase feature map for the :class:`~.spaces.Hyperbolic` space based
on the rejection sampling algorithm.
:param space:
A :class:`~.spaces.Hyperbolic` space.
:param num_random_phases:
Number of random phases to use.
:param shifted_laplacian:
If True, assumes that the kernels are defined in terms of the shifted
Laplacian. This often makes Matérn kernels more flexible by widening
the effective range of the length scale parameter.
Defaults to True.
def __init__(
space: Hyperbolic,
num_random_phases: int = 3000,
shifted_laplacian: bool = True,
self.space = space
self.num_random_phases = num_random_phases
self.shifted_laplacian = shifted_laplacian
def __call__(
X: B.Numeric,
params: Dict[str, B.Numeric],
key: B.RandomState,
normalize: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[B.RandomState, B.Numeric]:
:param X:
[N, D] points in the space to evaluate the map on.
:param params:
Parameters of the feature map (length scale and smoothness).
:param key:
Random state, either `np.random.RandomState`,
`tf.random.Generator`, `torch.Generator` or `jax.tensor` (which
represents a random state).
.. note::
For any backend other than `jax`, passing the same `key` twice
does not guarantee that the feature map will be the same each
time. This is because these backends' random state has... a
state. To evaluate the same (including randomness) feature map
on different inputs, you can either save/restore state manually
each time or use the helper function
:func:`~.utils.make_deterministic` which does this for you.
:param normalize:
Normalize to have unit average variance (`True` by default).
:param ``**kwargs``:
`Tuple(key, features)` where `features` is an [N, O] array, N
is the number of inputs and O is the dimension of the feature map;
`key` is the updated random key for `jax`, or the similar random
state (generator) for any other backends.
key, random_phases = self.space.random_phases(
key, self.num_random_phases
) # [O, D]
key, random_lambda = hyperbolic_density_sample(
(self.num_random_phases, B.rank(self.space.rho)),
) # [O, 1]
random_phases_b = B.expand_dims(
B.cast(B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), from_numpy(X, random_phases))
) # [1, O, D]
random_lambda_b = B.expand_dims(
B.cast(B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), from_numpy(X, random_lambda))
) # [1, O, 1]
X_b = B.expand_dims(X, axis=-2) # [N, 1, D]
p = self.space.power_function(random_lambda_b, X_b, random_phases_b) # [N, O]
features = B.concat(B.real(p), B.imag(p), axis=-1) # [N, 2*O]
if normalize:
normalizer = B.sqrt(B.sum(features**2, axis=-1, squeeze=False))
features = features / normalizer
return key, features
class RejectionSamplingFeatureMapSPD(FeatureMap):
Random phase feature map for the
:class:`~.spaces.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices` space based on the
rejection sampling algorithm.
:param space:
A :class:`~.spaces.SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices` space.
:param num_random_phases:
Number of random phases to use.
:param shifted_laplacian:
If True, assumes that the kernels are defined in terms of the shifted
Laplacian. This often makes Matérn kernels more flexible by widening
the effective range of the length scale parameter.
Defaults to True.
def __init__(
space: SymmetricPositiveDefiniteMatrices,
num_random_phases: int = 3000,
shifted_laplacian: bool = True,
self.space = space
self.num_random_phases = num_random_phases
self.shifted_laplacian = shifted_laplacian
def __call__(
X: B.Numeric,
params: Dict[str, B.Numeric],
key: B.RandomState,
normalize: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[B.RandomState, B.Numeric]:
:param X:
[N, D, D] points in the space to evaluate the map on.
:param params:
Parameters of the feature map (length scale and smoothness).
:param key:
Random state, either `np.random.RandomState`,
`tf.random.Generator`, `torch.Generator` or `jax.tensor` (which
represents a random state).
.. note::
For any backend other than `jax`, passing the same `key` twice
does not guarantee that the feature map will be the same each
time. This is because these backends' random state has... a
state. To evaluate the same (including randomness) feature map
on different inputs, you can either save/restore state manually
each time or use the helper function
:func:`~.utils.make_deterministic` which does this for you.
:param normalize:
Normalize to have unit average variance (`True` by default).
:param ``**kwargs``:
`Tuple(key, features)` where `features` is an [N, O] array, N
is the number of inputs and O is the dimension of the feature map;
`key` is the updated random key for `jax`, or the similar random
state (generator) for any other backends.
key, random_phases = self.space.random_phases(
key, self.num_random_phases
) # [O, D, D]
key, random_lambda = spd_density_sample(
) # [O, D]
random_phases_b = B.expand_dims(
B.cast(B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), from_numpy(X, random_phases))
) # [1, O, D, D]
random_lambda_b = B.expand_dims(
B.cast(B.dtype(params["lengthscale"]), from_numpy(X, random_lambda))
) # [1, O, D]
X_b = B.expand_dims(X, axis=-3) # [N, 1, D, D]
p = self.space.power_function(random_lambda_b, X_b, random_phases_b) # [N, O]
features = B.concat(B.real(p), B.imag(p), axis=-1) # [N, 2*O]
if normalize:
normalizer = B.sqrt(B.sum(features**2, axis=-1, squeeze=False))
features = features / normalizer
return key, features