This module provides the :class:`MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel` kernel, the basic
kernel for discrete spectrum spaces, subclasses of :class:`DiscreteSpectrumSpace`.
import lab as B
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import Dict, Optional
from geometric_kernels.kernels.base import BaseGeometricKernel
from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import from_numpy, is_complex
from geometric_kernels.spaces import DiscreteSpectrumSpace
from geometric_kernels.spaces.eigenfunctions import Eigenfunctions
class MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel(BaseGeometricKernel):
This class approximates Matérn kernel by its truncated Mercer decomposition,
in terms of the eigenfunctions & eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the space.
.. math:: k(x, x') = \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} S(\sqrt\lambda_l) \sum_{s=1}^{d_l} f_{ls}(x) f_{ls}(x'),
where $\lambda_l$ and $f_{ls}(\cdot)$ are the eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions of the Laplacian such that
$\Delta f_{ls} = \lambda_l f_{ls}$, and $S(\cdot)$ is the spectrum
of the Matérn kernel. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions belong to the
:class:`~.spaces.DiscreteSpectrumSpace` instance.
We denote
.. math:: G_l(\cdot, \cdot') = \sum_{s=1}^{d_l} f_{ls}(\cdot) f_{ls}(\cdot')
and term the sets $[f_{ls}]_{s=1}^{d_l}$ *"levels"*.
For many spaces, like the sphere, we can employ addition
theorems to efficiently compute $G_l(\cdot, \cdot')$ without calculating
the individual $f_{ls}(\cdot)$. Note that $\lambda_l$ are not required to
be unique: it is possible that for some $l,l'$, $\lambda_l = \lambda_{l'}$.
In other words, the "levels" do not necessarily correspond to full
eigenspaces. A level may even correspond to a single eigenfunction.
.. note::
A brief introduction into the theory behind
:class:`MaternKarhunenLoeveKernel` can be found in
:doc:`this </theory/compact>` & :doc:`this </theory/addition_theorem>`
documentation pages.
:param space:
The space to define the kernel upon.
:param num_levels:
Number of levels to include in the summation.
:param normalize:
Whether to normalize kernel to have unit average variance.
:param eigenvalues_laplacian:
Allowing to pass the eigenvalues of the Laplacian directly, instead of
computing them from the space. If provided, `eigenfunctions` must also
be provided. Used for :class:`~.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace`.
:param eigenfunctions:
Allowing to pass the eigenfunctions directly, instead of computing them
from the space. If provided, `eigenvalues_laplacian` must also be provided.
Used for :class:`~.spaces.HodgeDiscreteSpectrumSpace`.
def __init__(
space: DiscreteSpectrumSpace,
num_levels: int,
normalize: bool = True,
eigenvalues_laplacian: Optional[B.Numeric] = None,
eigenfunctions: Optional[Eigenfunctions] = None,
self.num_levels = num_levels # in code referred to as `L`.
if eigenvalues_laplacian is None:
assert eigenfunctions is None
eigenvalues_laplacian = self.space.get_eigenvalues(self.num_levels)
eigenfunctions = self.space.get_eigenfunctions(self.num_levels)
assert eigenfunctions is not None
assert eigenvalues_laplacian.shape == (num_levels, 1)
assert eigenfunctions.num_levels == num_levels
self._eigenvalues_laplacian = eigenvalues_laplacian
self._eigenfunctions = eigenfunctions
self.normalize = normalize
def space(self) -> DiscreteSpectrumSpace:
The space on which the kernel is defined.
self._space: DiscreteSpectrumSpace
return self._space
def init_params(self) -> Dict[str, B.NPNumeric]:
Initializes the dict of the trainable parameters of the kernel.
Returns `dict(nu=np.array([np.inf]), lengthscale=np.array([1.0]))`.
This dict can be modified and is passed around into such methods as
:meth:`~.K` or :meth:`~.K_diag`, as the `params` argument.
.. note::
The values in the returned dict are always of the NumPy array type.
Thus, if you want to use some other backend for internal
computations when calling :meth:`~.K` or :meth:`~.K_diag`, you
need to replace the values with the analogs typed as arrays of
the desired backend.
params = dict(nu=np.array([np.inf]), lengthscale=np.array([1.0]))
return params
def spectrum(
s: B.Numeric, nu: B.Numeric, lengthscale: B.Numeric, dimension: int
) -> B.Numeric:
Static method computing the spectrum of the Matérn kernel with
hyperparameters `nu` and `lengthscale` on the space with eigenvalues `s`
and dimension `dimension`.
:param s:
The eigenvalues of the space.
:param nu:
The smoothness parameter of the kernel.
:param lengthscale:
The length scale parameter of the kernel.
:param dimension:
The dimension of the space.
The spectrum of the Matérn kernel.
assert lengthscale.shape == (1,)
assert nu.shape == (1,)
# Note: 1.0 in safe_nu can be replaced by any finite positive value
safe_nu = B.where(nu == np.inf, B.cast(B.dtype(lengthscale), np.r_[1.0]), nu)
# for nu == np.inf
spectral_values_nu_infinite = B.exp(
-(lengthscale**2) / 2.0 * B.cast(B.dtype(lengthscale), s)
# for nu < np.inf
power = -safe_nu - dimension / 2.0
base = 2.0 * safe_nu / lengthscale**2 + B.cast(B.dtype(safe_nu), s)
spectral_values_nu_finite = base**power
return B.where(
nu == np.inf, spectral_values_nu_infinite, spectral_values_nu_finite
def eigenfunctions(self) -> Eigenfunctions:
Eigenfunctions of the kernel.
return self._eigenfunctions
def eigenvalues_laplacian(self) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian.
return self._eigenvalues_laplacian
def eigenvalues(self, params: Dict[str, B.Numeric]) -> B.Numeric:
Eigenvalues of the kernel.
:param params:
Parameters of the kernel. Must contain keys `"lengthscale"` and
`"nu"`. The shapes of `params["lengthscale"]` and `params["nu"]`
are `(1,)`.
An [L, 1]-shaped array.
assert "lengthscale" in params
assert params["lengthscale"].shape == (1,)
assert "nu" in params
assert params["nu"].shape == (1,)
spectral_values = self.spectrum(
if self.normalize:
normalizer = B.sum(
* B.cast(
)[:, None],
return spectral_values / normalizer
return spectral_values
def K(
self, params: Dict[str, B.Numeric], X: B.Numeric, X2: Optional[B.Numeric] = None, **kwargs # type: ignore
) -> B.Numeric:
assert "lengthscale" in params
assert params["lengthscale"].shape == (1,)
assert "nu" in params
assert params["nu"].shape == (1,)
weights = B.cast(B.dtype(params["nu"]), self.eigenvalues(params)) # [L, 1]
Phi = self.eigenfunctions
K = Phi.weighted_outerproduct(weights, X, X2, **kwargs) # [N, N2]
if is_complex(K):
return B.real(K)
return K
def K_diag(self, params: Dict[str, B.Numeric], X: B.Numeric, **kwargs) -> B.Numeric:
assert "lengthscale" in params
assert params["lengthscale"].shape == (1,)
assert "nu" in params
assert params["nu"].shape == (1,)
weights = B.cast(B.dtype(params["nu"]), self.eigenvalues(params)) # [L, 1]
Phi = self.eigenfunctions
K_diag = Phi.weighted_outerproduct_diag(weights, X, **kwargs) # [N,]
if is_complex(K_diag):
return B.real(K_diag)
return K_diag