Source code for geometric_kernels.lab_extras.extras

import lab as B
from beartype.typing import List
from lab import dispatch
from lab.util import abstract
from plum import Union
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix

[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def take_along_axis(a: B.Numeric, index: B.Numeric, axis: int = 0): """ Gathers elements of `a` along `axis` at `index` locations. :param a: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.take_along_axis`. :param index: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.take_along_axis`. :param axis: As in `numpy.take_along_axis`. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def from_numpy(_: B.Numeric, b: Union[List, B.Numeric]): """ Converts the array `b` to a tensor of the same backend as `_`. :param _: Array of any backend used to determine the backend. :param b: Array of any backend or list to be converted to the backend of _. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def trapz(y: B.Numeric, x: B.Numeric, dx: B.Numeric = 1.0, axis: int = -1): """ Integrate along the given axis using the trapezoidal rule. :param y: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.trapz`. :param x: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.trapz`. :param dx: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.trapz`. :param axis: As in `numpy.trapz`. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def logspace(start: B.Numeric, stop: B.Numeric, num: int = 50): """ Return numbers spaced evenly on a log scale. :param start: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.logspace`. :param stop: Array of any backend, as in `numpy.logspace`. :param num: As in `numpy.logspace`. """
[docs] def cosh(x: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric: r""" Compute hyperbolic cosine using the formula .. math:: \textrm{cosh}(x) = \frac{\exp(x) + \exp(-x)}{2}. :param x: Array of any backend. """ return 0.5 * (B.exp(x) + B.exp(-x))
[docs] def sinh(x: B.Numeric) -> B.Numeric: r""" Compute hyperbolic sine using the formula .. math:: \textrm{sinh}(x) = \frac{\exp(x) - \exp(-x)}{2}. :param x: Array of any backend. """ return 0.5 * (B.exp(x) - B.exp(-x))
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def degree(a): """ Given an adjacency matrix `a`, return a diagonal matrix with the col-sums of `a` as main diagonal - this is the degree matrix representing the number of nodes each node is connected to. :param a: Array of any backend or `scipy.sparse` array. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def eigenpairs(L, k: int): """ Obtain the eigenpairs that correspond to the `k` lowest eigenvalues of a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix `L`. :param a: Array of any backend or `scipy.sparse` array. :param k: The number of eigenpairs to compute. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def set_value(a, index: int, value: float): """ Set a[index] = value. This operation is not done in place and a new array is returned. :param a: Array of any backend or `scipy.sparse` array. :param index: The index. :param value: The value to set at the given index. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def dtype_double(reference: B.RandomState): """ Return `double` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: A random state to infer the backend from. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def float_like(reference: B.Numeric): """ Return the type of the reference if it is a floating point type. Otherwise return `double` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def dtype_integer(reference: B.RandomState): """ Return `int` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: A random state to infer the backend from. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def int_like(reference: B.Numeric): """ Return the type of the reference if it is integer type. Otherwise return `int32` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def get_random_state(key: B.RandomState): """ Return the random state of a random generator. :param key: The random generator. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def restore_random_state(key: B.RandomState, state): """ Set the random state of a random generator. Return the new random generator with state `state`. :param key: The random generator. :param state: The new random state of the random generator. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def create_complex(real: B.Numeric, imag: B.Numeric): """ Return a complex number with the given real and imaginary parts. :param real: Array of any backend, real part of the complex number. :param imag: Array of any backend, imaginary part of the complex number. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def complex_like(reference: B.Numeric): """ Return `complex` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def is_complex(reference: B.Numeric): """ Return True if reference of `complex` dtype. :param reference: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def cumsum(a: B.Numeric, axis=None): """ Return cumulative sum (optionally along axis). :param a: Array of any backend. :param axis: As in `numpy.cumsum`. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def qr(x: B.Numeric, mode="reduced"): """ Return a QR decomposition of a matrix x. :param x: Array of any backend. :param mode: As in `numpy.linalg.qr`. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def slogdet(x: B.Numeric): """ Return the sign and log-determinant of a matrix x. :param x: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def eigvalsh(x: B.Numeric): """ Compute the eigenvalues of a Hermitian or real symmetric matrix x. :param x: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def reciprocal_no_nan(x: Union[B.Numeric, spmatrix]): """ Return element-wise reciprocal (1/x). Whenever x = 0 puts 1/x = 0. :param x: Array of any backend or `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def complex_conj(x: B.Numeric): """ Return complex conjugate. :param x: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def logical_xor(x1: B.Bool, x2: B.Bool): """ Return logical XOR of two arrays. :param x1: Array of any backend. :param x2: Array of any backend. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def count_nonzero(x: B.Numeric, axis=None): """ Count non-zero elements in an array. :param x: Array of any backend and of any shape. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def dtype_bool(reference: B.RandomState): """ Return `bool` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: A random state to infer the backend from. """
[docs] @dispatch @abstract() def bool_like(reference: B.Numeric): """ Return the type of the reference if it is of boolean type. Otherwise return `bool` dtype of a backend based on the reference. :param reference: Array of any backend. """
[docs] def smart_cast( dtype: Union[B.Bool, B.Int, B.Float, B.Complex, B.Numeric], x: B.Numeric ): """ Return `x` cast to the `dtype` abstract data type. :param dtype: An abstract DType of lab, one of `B.Bool`, `B.Int`, `B.Float`, `B.Complex`, `B.Numeric`. :param x: Array of any backend. """ if dtype == B.Bool: return B.cast(bool_like(x), x) elif dtype == B.Int: return B.cast(int_like(x), x) elif dtype == B.Float: return B.cast(float_like(x), x) elif dtype == B.Complex: return B.cast(complex_like(x), x)