Source code for geometric_kernels.utils.special_functions

Special mathematical functions used in the library.

import lab as B
from beartype.typing import List, Optional

from geometric_kernels.lab_extras import (

[docs] def walsh_function(d: int, combination: List[int], x: B.Bool) -> B.Float: r""" This function returns the value of the Walsh function .. math:: w_T(x_0, .., x_{d-1}) = (-1)^{\sum_{j \in T} x_j} where $d$ is `d`, $T$ is `combination`, and $x = (x_0, .., x_{d-1})$ is `x`. :param d: The degree of the Walsh function and the dimension of its inputs. An integer d > 0. :param combination: A subset of the set $\{0, .., d-1\}$ determining the particular Walsh function. A list of integers. :param x: A batch of binary vectors $x = (x_0, .., x_{d-1})$ of shape [N, d]. :return: The value of the Walsh function $w_T(x)$ evaluated for every $x$ in the batch. An array of shape [N]. """ assert x.ndim == 2 assert x.shape[-1] == d indices = B.cast(int_like(x), from_numpy(x, combination))[None, :] return (-1) ** count_nonzero(take_along_axis(x, indices, axis=-1), axis=-1)
[docs] def kravchuk_normalized( d: int, j: int, m: B.Int, kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_1: Optional[B.Float] = None, kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_2: Optional[B.Float] = None, ) -> B.Float: r""" This function returns $G_{d, j, m}/G_{d, j, 0}$ where $G_{d, j, m}$ is the Kravchuk polynomial defined below. Define the Kravchuk polynomial of degree d > 0 and order 0 <= j <= d as the function $G_{d, j, m}$ of the independent variable 0 <= m <= d given by .. math:: G_{d, j, m} = \sum_{T \subseteq \{0, .., d-1\}, |T| = j} w_T(x). Here $w_T$ are the Walsh functions on the hypercube graph $C^d$ and $x \in C^d$ is an arbitrary binary vector with $m$ ones (the right-hand side does not depend on the choice of a particular vector of the kind). .. note:: We are using the three term recurrence relation to compute the Kravchuk polynomials. Cf. Equation (60) of Chapter 5 in MacWilliams and Sloane "The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes", 1977. The parameters q and $\gamma$ from :cite:t:`macwilliams1977` are set to be q = 2; $\gamma = q - 1 = 1$. .. note:: We use the fact that $G_{d, j, 0} = \binom{d}{j}$. :param d: The degree of Kravhuk polynomial, an integer d > 0. Maps to n in :cite:t:`macwilliams1977`. :param j: d The order of Kravhuk polynomial, an integer 0 <= j <= d. Maps to k in :cite:t:`macwilliams1977`. :param m: The independent variable, an integer 0 <= m <= d. Maps to x in :cite:t:`macwilliams1977`. :param kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_1: The optional precomputed value of $G_{d, j-1, m}/G_{d, j-1, 0}$, helps to avoid exponential complexity growth due to the recursion. :param kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_2: The optional precomputed value of $G_{d, j-2, m}/G_{d, j-2, 0}$, helps to avoid exponential complexity growth due to the recursion. :return: $G_{d, j, m}/G_{d, j, 0}$ where $G_{d, j, m}$ is the Kravchuk polynomial. """ assert d > 0 assert 0 <= j and j <= d assert B.all(0 <= m) and B.all(m <= d) m = B.cast(B.dtype_float(m), m) if j == 0: return B.ones(m) elif j == 1: return 1 - 2 * m / d else: if kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_1 is None: kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_1 = kravchuk_normalized(d, j - 1, m) if kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_2 is None: kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_2 = kravchuk_normalized(d, j - 2, m) rhs_1 = (d - 2 * m) * kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_1 rhs_2 = -(j - 1) * kravchuk_normalized_j_minus_2 return (rhs_1 + rhs_2) / (d - j + 1)